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RE: How To: Starting Fruit & Nut Trees from Seed in a Temperate Climate

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I am known as the tree lady here. Since moving to the homestead 7 years ago I have literally started hundreds of trees from seeds. I have planted at least 100 fruit trees here and donated or sold hundreds more to the community. It has been a slow movement but I am slowly turning our fishing village into a forest of fruit trees at the beach! Papaya is a favourite as well as icaco or Coco plum. I may not benefit from the fruits of my labours but my children and grandchildren will.


Oh, I'm sure you are already benefiting from the fruits of your labor. Even if not literally (though a seven year old papaya tree is bound to be laden with fruit), but the shade they provide, the birds and other creatures they feed and give shelter to, not to mention the gratitude of the community. So wonderful to read about the awesome things you're doing.

I have gotten a few papayas, the birds manage to get a lot. We didn't have much in the line of wildlife when we came now we do. So you are right, I am reaping some of the benefits now. Sometimes it is hard to see the forest for the trees. Thanks for pointing that out.

That is so amazing!! I hope to follow in your footsteps over here and planting hundreds or thousands of trees in the near future :) Wow papayas are so good. I haven't tried icaco or coco plum, they sound interesting. I did plant some Pawpaw seeds today which is as close to a tropical fruit that I can grow in this climate without a special greenhouse. So good of you to plant all of those trees for your grandchildren :)