Ecotrain question of the week: What changes have you seen in the world in the last 10 years, and in which direction do you think we are headed?

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Hey you,

Thanks for stopping by.
What changes have you seen that make you excited about the future?
I have seen many exciting changes. Many of which you can find as topics of my posts, because I write about exactly that, what makes me enthusiastic in life. Hopeful things. 😃

I see hopeful changes on all three levels of our earthly existence:



I see positive change every time I take the train in Holland.
There is this new train called FLIRT ( Fast Light Innovative Regional Train).

It just makes me feel part of a positive future when I step in to that train.
Not only does it have a step that slides out from the train towards the platform for people who are older or parents with strollers and such, but it has free internet, free phone and laptop charging usb sockets, separated trash ( organics, plastics and waste ) AND it rides completely on electricity derived from windmills!
Those things make me happy!


Food-wise people are given so many choices these days. Not only for taste but also for health. You have a lot of vergetarian products, vegan products, gluten free products, dairy free products, salt free products, organic products, meat that caries the label 'a better life for animals', free range eggs, organic eggs you name it and it is available here in Holland and in many other countries. People are becoming more conscious of what they eat and it seems less and less strange to people when you are vegetarian or have a food intolerance and follow a special diet. We are learning to listen to our bodies and what they need.



More and more people are doing yoga and Tai-chi, running or going to some sport or the gym every week. It has become more natural to love your body and take care of it.


It feels to me like we are still breaking taboo's in that area. The things that aren't comfortable are brought to the table more often like sexual abuse or discontentment in the bedroom. And I like to think we feel less shame to do so. It is being brought to our attention that sexual energy is in fact life force energy and that it is tied in to the well being of a lot of the functions of our being, physical, emotional and spiritual. When it's blocked, a lot of things get blocked. I like to think we are working towards unblocking our sexual energy. It's being mentioned on social media and in articles a lot that the body is sacred and that enjoyment is not only healthy but also necessary.
People are willing to try different techniques to pleasure themselves or each other. All very hopeful 😉 😄
It also appears to me from the series that are made for the new generation age group that is now growing in to sexual maturity, that they are more sexually free and that there is more equality between the sexes.
I have much enjoyed watching 'Star-crossed' for example. It also looks a bit more sensual when they kiss in th enew series then it did in the old ones. A lot more nice and loving sex scenes on tv like in Outlander. I like it. :-)

Star crossed:


More and more people are wanting a house that feels like they are not cut off from nature. A sustainable house, that is cost efficient, also fro the environment. Think of earthships, earthbag houses, tiny houses.

More organic cotton is being used in the fabrication of clothing and I like to think we are becoming more aware of where our cloths come from and who made them.

Our planet earth:

I also like to think that we've come to appreciate what we've got and are trying to minimise the damage we are doing to our planet with our life style. People are in to degradable packaging. I wrote a post about that as I was so amazed to see packaging appear on the shelf of an organic shop, made from ocean plastic:

My local supermarket has biodegredable plastic bags on a roll for putting your veggies and fruit in. Every time I take one, it just feels so good, not to hurt the planet.
In every hardware store you can get a roll of plastic trash bags meant to put your plastic trash in for recycling, for free. Every two weeks it is being collected. I think that is amazing!


It feels like our financial reality is shifting since crypto currency has come in and it feel like a positive thing to me because it seems more pliable and flowing for everyone who wanted to relate to it and less locked up and stagnant then the old money seems at times.


When I see my nephew, my sisters son , who just turned 18, I can see how the next generation has become more emotionally intelligent. He communicates openly about what he appreciates in another person and where his boundaries are with his peers, without much stress or strain, it's just normal to do so and no big deal. Also the humor is more emotionally intelligent and I really appreciate that.
Ok, he is going to a Waldorf highschool, but still, I can see the rest of his generation has a different frequency that seems less dense to me.

People are exploring ways to express their discomfort without blaming others through non-violent communication.
Going to therapy to learn to deal with your emotions is more common. Like in my moms generation it was seen as very shameful and you were considered mentally ill if you went for therapy.
There are a lot of self help books available to help you deal with all kinds of emotional challenges and it feels like it has become more popular in the past ten years. So many support groups are there for a wide range of challenges even addiction to sex. Who would have thought that was even recognised some time ago.

Self expression through clothing:
Almost anything goes these days. If you feel like making your hair blue or popsicle pink nobody is going to ask you of you just joined the circus. Guys wearing skirts might still have someone turning their heads, but it is seen as less impossible as ten years ago. people-2600475_640.jpg


In a country like Holland I feel like every thing is possible. If you are Christian, Muslim, Soufie, Wicca, New age or you love extraterrestrials it is all ok.
People post their most deep spiritual experiences online and nobody is going to call the nut house to have them picked up. Thank God.
Overal there is a lot more acceptance.
Also So much is available spiritually, initiations and secret wisdom that was kept for only the highly evolved spiritual addapts is being shared with everybody.
We are very lucky like that at this time.


In the light of the above I feel we are making a quantum leap here and that is a very potent time to be alive and that it has to be used in that knowledge, first of all by taking responsibility for our own lives. Being happy, making your life how you want it to be, investing in things that feel right to you and are life supporting is the most important contribution you can give.

And I feel our future will be very bright. 😃 🌺 💖

Lots of Love Clara

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Holland sounds like such a lovely place. Maybe some day I could visit there. The train sounds amazing! I wish we had those here.

Hi Stillwatersart, Yes, it is lovely. You'd be welcome to come visit me.

Are you going back to India soon?

Yummm! I love the positivity! And I agree the kids coming up now are quite a few steps ahead. It's so lovely.

Thank you! 😊 Yes, the new generation is inspiring.

Thanks Clara for your upbeat, positive take on this QotW.
It´s always good to remember the positive developments.
Yes, exciting times we live in!

Thanks Likedeeler for taking the time to read and react, I appreciate it! 😊
Glad you also feel excited about the future, after all we are creating it!