Thanks, Trucklife-family for your contribution to shining some light on this subject. It was hard wasn't it to choose between all the things you wanted to say about it. It was for me too. But the nice thing is that each of us shines light on a different corner, so a lot gets said like that anyway even if we don't say it all ourselves. Most of all I love the end conclusion: 'To end the rule of Patriarchy women and men must work together.' Personnally I went a lot in to the cause and history of patriarchy, but whatever has happened before one thing is for sure and that is what you say at the end. <3
Ps I would really like to hear what comes up for you while reading my post about it.
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thank you @clara-andriessen, it certainly is a huge question, I chose to discuss it as it is presently, but alot more could have definitely been said. I will check out your post for sure, glad we are all discussing it from different angles that way there is more of an overall view for everyone reading it on here.