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RE: Respect - for everything...

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Great post and I definitely agree with you on the awe and wonderment all around. I am always in awe of the mountains and the beauty of the little things, sunrises and sunsets. Also can’t kill bugs and feel bad I consume meat and also give thanks for all things I consume, I think plants feel things too. I try and thank my food for giving its life to sustain mine. I agree with you and truly hope humanity can wake up and love and respect ourselves and each other 💜💕💙🙏🏻


I’m with you 100%. At least many plants we consume can regenerate. Believe me too I don’t judge anyone that does eat meat. I’ve been back and forth myself. It’s just that we don’t NEED to eat meat. We do it because society makes it “taste good.” Not even sure if we ate it 100% unseasoned if we’d all be so allured to it. Some of the plant based foods are delicious as well. I just need to recommit.

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