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RE: ecoTrain Mission Statement: Create An Off-Grid Community Based on the Gift Economy!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

I've loved your purpose since the first time I learned of it, which was not long after I started on Steemit.


My personal motto for a couple of decades has been to make my corner of the world a better place, and though our methods differ somewhat, we're definitely on the same wavelength.

Part of my goal for the property we currently live on is to get rid of as many invasive nonnative plants and trees as possible, and replace them with the valuable natives that were overharvested and/or killed off by disease, such as American chestnut, American hazelnut, American ginseng, elderberry, and many, many more.

I hope ultimately to turn our place into a natural seed bank for not only our small Calfkiller River, which forms our eastern border, but for the greater Caney Fork River floodplain, which the Calfkiller empties into a few miles south of us.

Over time I'd like to acquire a few more small properties dotting the Appalachians and do the same thing, so that over time, and long after I'm gone, they will continue to grow and thrive, reseeding the area with the plants and trees that fed this area and its animals and ecosystems over the aeons.

I'd also like to start a system of small community gardens, using permaculture and forest farming methods, most likely putting a local church or food bank in charge, allowing local people to help maintain the gardens in return for fresh organic produce, with any overage going to the food bank, or in absence of a food bank, to the closest nursery school, soup kitchen, and/or retirement home.

And ecobuilding will definitely be a part of it all. We already have a tiny building lot in northern New Mexico which is near the current earth earthship communities and would lend itself to that kind of building.

I've already sent a couple of your "99 Reasons" posts to my husband in an effort to get him on board. ;-)

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