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RE: Watch The Quantum Healing of a Cancer Tumor in less than 3 minutes using The Inner Technology of Emotion. The divine matrix is how we will heal our world.

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I worked with an energy healer for almost half a year. He was basically a crazy person (to normal standards, quite lost and before he was a gangster with black belt etc. it was hard to say what was true and not about him), who really believed he had the power. I think this belief created this reality. As in case of every belief. I saw miracles. Cancers gone, Parkinson's gone... But once I saw exorcism of some weird thing making a lady ill... a lady... very quiet person had some migraines. She was a friend of the person that was hosting us to help people suffering from cancers and other stuff. where medicine gave a death sentence, half people were cured by him... in half cases. Depending on his hangover... and something else... but back to the lady. She was not there as a patient. He said to her "lets check those migraines", she was very shy, but she agreed eventually... I was basically driving him around and partying way to hard (the hangover sometimes prevented him from saving lives and he was just to lazy, which I found immoral, since he charged anyway and people were travelling with their dying family members for 500km), but that time (there were 3 other cases) he asked me to go into the room with him... and after a moment, it looked like she fell asleep... he told me to hold down her legs and be prepared... I was kind of laughing, but felt like in some horror movie... at some point, the lady sat up in a fraction of a second, looked at me with black eyes, looked at him and said "does he know?", he ignored her and continue focusing on his energies... she repeated "does he know?", withe a very sharp tone she would never use... he didn't want to engage, but said "not yet". She looked at me, went "oh" and laid back down and fell asleep. She could not remember any of it... when I asked she did not reply. It was as if she could not hear the question... This is the weirdest story of my life, but there are more :D
So, I was a sceptic... I still think there are a lot of wackos out there... most of them. But I cannot deny what I experienced :)


WOW, thaeres a story.. i have heard many stories too.. it can be a bit scary when we encounter these things.. thanks for sharing this!

I hope it doesn't seem to crazy :) If someone told me this before I experienced this craziness, I'd think they dropped to much acid... I did not believe it for long time after... I was looking for a rational explanation, hypnosis, whatever... but I could find any... I could not find any rational explanation to how can Parkinson's be cured... it is well documented. The patient was medicated. Her doctor was shocked, "but you had Parkinson's"
Then I researched these "miracles". Seems like it is happening all the time. Could be bullshit. I think meditation is the doorway to next step in human evolution. We can bend the laws of physics. In the end it is us who perceive the laws of physics as they are. What if our filters allow us to see more of the "unseen" as we evolve into more and more conscious beings?
Weird and amazing at the same time :D

Congrats! When we are ready we are granted these experiences.. love .. evoLve xxx