I thought we were supposed to - taste the rainbow. Then again, that's Skittles isn't? Damn, I do not even have cable, and that ad campaign really seems to have done a number on me and stuck in my head!
Also, like the idea of building props to go with a story you love. I used to go to a lot of sci-fi conventions. And the cosplayers are deeply passionate about crafting their costumes and bringing characters to life. This seems like a similar off-shoot to this hobby.
As far as feeling a rainbow, well, I practice Transcendental Meditation every morning. Learned from Operation Warrior Wellness and the David Lynch foundation. And I have to say it allows me to have more control of my emotions that I used to. Coming up on 10 years of doing TM, and well, I am not a Vulcan yet. But, I am much more logical. (Which is weird and cool that Gene Roddenberry wrote meditation as a practice the Vulcans used. Gene must also have been into it to be able to write that detail into the show).
There is a lot of interesting information out there about frequency and color with regards to humans. Just search, Chakra System, and you will get 100s of returns with interesting diagrams. And ironically, there are in a rainbow pattern. (Which is even weirder and cooler that matter is thought to be light condensed.
One of the things I've noticed with regards to feelings is that allowing yourself to get into stressful situations and forcing your body to do things it does not want to do can offer a broad spectrum of emotions.
I have to admit I thought about skittles too. Yes, I really believe that getting out of your comfort zone is fundamental in living life and experiencing it to the full and meditation can help center you ready for this exciting journey.