I agree with so much of what you say, especially your basic premise: take care of the soil and it takes care of you. We live in a rural village and have just come through a drought. Actually, we are still in a drought. Our garden turned into a dust bowl. What little grass we had, all but disappeared. Looking after anything, let alone the soil was a pipe dream. Water restrictions have been mostly lifted, but the price is prohibitive. So we haven't been able to water.
I had a windfall and we've been able to drill a borehole that yields water. Yes, I know, but before you scream at me: There are very few tarred roads and there is no paving in our garden. Any water that goes on to our garden will go back where it came from. And it will feed us (and probably others) because we grow vegetables and herbs. When we built the reservoir, someone suggested we build it with a plastic or fibre glass lining. Nope, I said. If it leaks, the water goes back into the earth. As it should.
Now, on to grass. We (will again) water grass only in one spot and keep that short - it's where we entertain. The other grass just grows and we keep it short. For safety reasons: in summer we have snakes and scorpions - highly venomous and I would rather have my loved ones alive.
Finally on the no-dig garden: I started doing that more years ago than I can remember, insisting that all the leaves and grass cuttings, as far as possible are used as mulch. Where there's surplus, that goes on to the compost heap. Along with all our vegetable peels, trimmings, etc.
Would that more people were more conscious about what it is they're actually doing and that soil, as is water, is life.
Rant over. Thanks for a thought-provoking post.
Yeah, I can understand looking after the safety of your children and right now I have no solutions for venomous creatures so can't ask you to do otherwise. Oh well, as long as it's a small spot and you mulch up the rest you'll be in balance ;)
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It's all about balance - with a little sensible pragmatism for good measure, I think.
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