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RE: How We Got Paid $$$$ To Plant Fruit and Nut Trees in Our Food Forest

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Wow - that is WEIRD!!! When I went by your blog earlier, it showed you had not posted for over 2 weeks! SO glad you are still in there swinging! I have been going through everyone I follow, this steemit downturn has run a LOT of folks off.
But yeah, the big one I wanted to do was water conservation. I mean SWALES, right?! But I had to get a DUNS. Here is the "happy lie" about that:

The truth is, they turn EVERYTHING into something to trade on Wall Street, and in a 20's style crash, people could lose their land. They do shit like take out life insurance policies on people like me who had bad reactions to SSRIs, and if I kill myself THEY make bank. Me and my family can't buy insurance against suicide, but THEY GET RICH that way.
Lol! End mini rant...