ECOTRAIN QOTW: Now that we have a better understanding of patriarchy and matriarchy, what is your ideal societal structure?

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Now that we have a better understanding of patriarchy and matriarchy, what is your ideal societal structure?

So, I want to get more talkative and get what is in my head out my mouth and not necessarily by writing!

My answer is set to myself this challenge where I have 2 Talk for 3 Minutes or more in 1 Take, with 0 Script.

Who knows what will come out my mouth haha!

Okay, I have to agree with @likedeeler and @solarsupermama, a patriarchal or matriarchal society won't do, there needs to be a balance, so we need anarchy and clans!

A clan could be set up as somewhere that has one leader, or group of advisors, however, is agreed, but somewhere where everyone has a role to play and they know what that role is.

The groups could be set up around religions, beliefs or ideals. I think that there is scope for everyone to find a group of like-minded people.

I see self-sufficient off-the-grid groups as the ideal answer, who once they have got themselves formed and grounded and where they need to be, then they can reach out to other groups to help them too, should that be the decision of the group.

It could be that you want to keep all the love and interactions within your group, then that would work too, once there is a 'family unit'. That would be one of the decisions for every group to make.

It is a shame that this couldn't be the case for biological families to be like this, but many families like my own have different ideals, several members of my family, for example, are very capitalist and self-sufficiency would make them dive for the nearest sofa.

But if you find groups of like-minded people and the internet makes this possible, then there is a chance that we could create our own ideal societies.

A website like a dating site could be created, for people to find their ideal clans. That's how it could all work.


Over and out

@Hopehuggs <3

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An ideal society is hard to get because no matter what type of social structure, pyramid, hierarchy you try to establish it will always end up being consumed by greed and power, it's human behavior struggling for greed and power... but this is just my opinion, i think the next step for humanity is do a rework of the current education system and try to implement UBI(universal basic income), in 10-20 years we will get robots to do most of the stuff... also we need a better system to elect our governors, i think blockchain could solve this, end corruption during elections
I've seen some people talking about socialanarchy, still haven't checked that topic out...

Yes, this question asked for the 'ideal' society not a real one.

I think that the more people who see that they can live life on their own terms and not be afraid of who they want to be, that is the step forward and is kind of my message I want to spread to the world. Live your own dreams and don't let anyone change them.

Find your clan on
Every 11 minutes a seeker falls in love with a clan on

I had to check the website, it's available!

So get it and go! 😘 is all good though

They want a minimum of $199 for it. So not today ;)

@hopehuggs That is an interesting thought. Having a group of like minded people. There are pros and cons to it though. The good positive clans will make for a better world, but imagine clans who are on the dark side of the world, them coming together can cause a lot of problems. We already know when a bunch of people come together for a common destructive cause, it ends in chaos -- just thinking about the idea you presented realistically.

May be what we as a society need to do first, is unbecome, I am no expert on social engineering, but as of now a lot of people know themselves only when they belong to something or someone, take that away, and they feel at a loss. We need individuals to become independent, to know themselves, before they become a part of any group. Else, it is just a group of people creating a false sense of identity for themselves, and depending on one another for that identity to be maintained. Humanity has been enslaved by one modality or another for a very long time. It has only changed shape, but the concept has remained the same.

I believe we need better education, the one that people start giving importance to towards the end of their lives -- focus on the essentials, and do away with, "if you don't get good ranks, you won't get a good job, you'll be a failure." "the other is your competition."

Woh! Imagine what kind of a world we're creating.

Right from start to end, it all is designed to feed the false self, the ego.

Now, before I end up turning this comment into a book, I will shut up! Cheers!

but as of now a lot of people know themselves only when they belong to something or someone, take that away, and they feel at a loss.

This reminds me pretty well of facebook and instagram, people trying to belong to something to get likes just to feel like they "belong"...

I agree with the education part, the current educations system needs a rework, it's an outdated system that has no place in our modern society

It was my idealist view of the world. If I was to base it on reality, I might say that we are all fucked! (Pardon my French)

But yes, people have got to stop being sheep and stand up for themselves and who they are and be able to think for themselves regardless of religious, societal or parental views.

Though we could split the world in two and have one side for clans with good intentions and the other for clans with bad intentions (joke).

Being a sociologist i have a point of that no society is ideal whether it is Patriarchal or Matriarchal (same goes with the leadership of the family). What makes an ideal society the "Balance among the both ends"

One more point you arose Like Minded, offocure this thing enhances the coordination and freedom among the people. Fully agreed ,

But if you find groups of like-minded people and the internet makes this possible, then there is a chance that we could create our own ideal societies.

Thanks for the wonderful content :)

The balance has gone. It seems we have all lost our identities, so we need to claim it back, but this can only be done on an individual level.

I second your opinion and off course it can be reverse through micro level approach, valid point @hopehuggs :)

I feel that because man's needs never end, a society made of clans will have conflict when one clan sees a solution to a need within another clan and is not willing to pay for it.
And as clans clash, the gobble each other up until super clans are formed and we are right back where we started.

I know, it was just an ideal. History would just repeat and we'd be no better off.

But the whole world would never split up into clans. It would just be pockets people escaping society.

great post! i like it! :^D

you're right, it's a good practice to perform your social abilities in front of the camera, I admire your great strength and sense of passion in making this vlogs, this reminds me that it really gives you ability to have that kind of openness to people, to have the courage to speak well to the people, to never be afraid of something. this gives me a boost to be like you guys, @valorforfreedom and you @hopehuggs give me some potential encouragement to be free and to be open to speaking up to the people, whenever you guys sharing your vlogs here at steemit, I really wish someday I'll be like you two someday.

I need to get back to it and do some more vlogs, maybe not everyday, but trying to find something good to write about. I like to vary things a little. But being open definitely helps.

Another great post from you again @hophuggs with deep insight.
Its a good ideal to get people together and get ideal from one another, share love and know what troubles an individual when a group is created.
Happy steeming

The sense of community was definitelty one of the things I would hope that we can recapture more one day.

I like this post. Indeed, to have a group of like-minded people is great. Only if with good intentions.

Yes, as humans we have good and bad intentions and there would also be inevitable clashes.

Love it; a great vision and one that I see as very doable!

It wouldn't be for everyone, but could work well for those wanting to escape society.

that's how an ideal society should be like thanks for sharing your thoughts on this dear :)

It would be good.

Awesome content mam you are the best blogger in steemit,all the best.

This great post i appreciate your freedom thanks for sharing this life best of luck...

nice post)))