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RE: Do We Need Food? A short personal story of a Lunar Eclipse Healing, Breathing Prana, Angels, Magic, Miracles and Transformation!

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Very touching story. It is beautiful what we can be for each other when we allow ourselves to follow our intuition.

Also, while I don't know much about breatharian life, a few friends have told me about the benefits of fasting. One of them had a very serious illness and went to a monitored monthlong fasting center, and it cured her completely.

The body has amazing healing abilities once we stop interfering with them. There is still so much we are learning about what is good for different bodies and what is good for some but toxic to others.

It seems the spiritual guidance creating in that sacred community container led you to that wisdom for yourself where your mind couldn't.

(On a completely unrelated note, you mentioned in your story about numerous folks looking for an alternative to the area you're in. I wonder if you could share why that might be. It seems so idyllic, and as I look around the world for where to put down roots myself, I'm really trying to learn where off grid living will suit me best for the long run.)