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RE: All Creation

in #ecotrain6 years ago

Howdy owasco! The earth sure does do the same! Excellent writing and example of how to live healthy. I've seen the same thing, at 65 people are shocked that I have no prescription medications and no sicknesses.

I say well, I'm sure I could GET some from any doctor but I know the poisonous affects and side affects are worse than taking the dang stuff.


Hi Janton thanks for stopping in!
If you go to a western doctor for any kind of ailment, you can expect to be prescribed at least one of the following three medications: anitbiotics, steroids, antacids. It's ridiculous. I am often prescribed antibiotics that I don't take, antacids are baloney, and steroids don't do a darn thing to correct whatever problem you have so it just comes back whenever you stop the steroids.
Thanks for liking my piece so much. I'm so busy trying to figure out the curve on voting rewards this week I am unable to do much else.

Howdy tonight owasco! It IS totally ridiculous. Do you have any naturopaths that you can go to up there?
Hey, let me know when you figure out the voting rewards thing! l have no clue. lol.