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RE: Hey Gorgeous! The Self Forgiveness Challenge

in #ecotrain7 years ago

You don't have to get your kids to forgive others when they poke their friends. Just give them a whack on the head. If they repeat that leaned behavior, just give 'em two. It'll be just like caveman times. Oh joy what fun.

And you don't have to forgive me for writing this, cuz I'm not sorry, even though I know it's stupid.

science fiction, fantasy, erotica @joe.nobel


I love it, so ill say thanks, which is always a good thing to say. I keep telling them that one day i might change my mind and start beating them. They just roll their eyes. I tell people we all want to beat our children, but some of us have self control.

When my kiddo was growing up I only wanted to beat other people's children.

Oh, man. I wish. They drive me so crazy sometimes. I periodically want to sell them to the circus.