You could say that the word patriarchy had evolved in a way, because while it refered to the male hierarchal rule initially, there are now also women who fulfill this role. It didn't change under the reigns of Victoria or the Elizabeths. Even Maggie Thatcher governed possibly more forcefully than many men have. So perhaps the meaning has become more 'rule of force'.
As we become more equal, however, we need to keep an open mind to ensure that the balance doesn't tip too far the other way and a matriarchy becomes the new rule by force. The boisterousness of children can run the risk of being quashed merely because boys tend to be more boisterous than girls. We are both equally important, but we are also equally different.
Balance is certainly key here. Are there situations where children need to take a deep breath and toughen up? I believe that sometimes there are, for both sexes. So we shouldn't be afraid to teach what we need to teach for fear of stereotyping. I've had situations where I've had to tell my daughters to "toughen up, you'll get through this". They are gymnasts!
it definitely seems to have creeped up on us and embedded itself in our minds mostly with many people not even thinking about it, just accepting it as is. And yes a lot of women seem to have been happy to take on the role, on the surface anyhow. But we have so much awareness around us now that it is encouraging, and yes children should be treated like children, any interests they have such be encouraged with gender not being the influence or deciding factor.
Thank you @life-relearnt for getting involved, it is a huge topic.