We are quite the conundrum, aren't we! Selfishness and greed were once survival traits, but somehow they've morphed into self destruction. We used to consider future generations, because that is how we ensure the survival of our genetics into the future. We cared for those in the community around us, because we couldn't survive without them. Now it's as if we've developed tunnel vision. As long as we can get as much as we can to ensure the provision of our closest family, then maybe they can survive when everyone else is succumbing to the fallout of that resource grab and the subsequent pollution?
Then we have the awareness that overpopulation is destructive to the environment and ultimately ourselves, yet our love for life means we struggle to see any suffering. We struggle to accept that sometimes a child is born whose body is not fully developed to stand the rigours of this world and fight to extend that life, sometimes to their detriment.
You really hit the nail on the head with the school system. Often when a child struggles in it, the attitude is that they have to learn to deal with it, because they'll have to deal with the same in the workforce. If that's not a hint that school is geared up to produce workers, then what is?
Posted using Partiko Android
Thank you, I love that word conundrum by the way 😁!
We see eye to eye on these issues! It's really kind of sad that our survival instincts have brought us to maybe our extinction.
There is a spot called Göbekli Tepe, it is said to be perhaps the first religious site encountered thus far... it would also mark our very first days of human enslavement. Someone had to start domesticating plants and grain for food, the dawn of agriculture was the beginning of our demise.
That system of turning pupils into obedient workers may be much older and more ingrained in us than we think! But it looks like the tables are turning, everywhere I look, I see people living a lifeway that seems to be more in tune with what we really are.
We have degraded ourselves into a NPC zombies and it is so far gone people don’t even care it’s happening as long as they can krönen consumption and comfort. Or we have traded freedom and independence for comforts. sad
Posted using Partiko iOS
Our true liberty, has been long forgotten... some thpusands of years ago perhaps with the invent of agriculture!
The only ones really left completely free may ne the birds!