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RE: All Kids Need Freedom as Much as They Need Boundaries: EcoTrain's Question of the Week - Kids and Smartphones

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

this is a great write up! you did the topic great justice and since you have a kid yours comes across as realistic (cuz it is!). i get that limiting it or making them wait is going to be a total fight, i would just be worried about the young kids being so glued to it and literally changing cognitive function! it's def the battle of the digital tribe age (i like that- did you coin it?). obviously you're a great example of a parent setting healthy boundaries and educating your child. i moreso fear for the parents who aren't practicing mindfulness nor teaching it to their children and the kids who are losing out on face to face time or physical activities bc of phone addiction. you're right though, they'll figure out this big bag scary wonderful crazy world just like we all did...