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RE: It's Violent to Say "Women Are Asking for It" Because of What They Are Wearing

in #ecotrain7 years ago

hahahah fuck him! it's not that i am not interested in male attention, but i am definitely not interested in the "i'm going to consume you" male attention - or "be this for me" -- allllll of the hoops women are taught to jump through to be perceived as desirable. if a man likes my hairy armpits, fine! but don't expect me to conform to anything else you may like just cuz you got a fetish for ma pits! hahaha

they can fully keep their dicks in their pants. it's a whole harmful narrative that says that they supposedly can't. but really we're up again (as you say in the first paragraph) an entire sexualization and objectification of women's bodies as consumable by men that has been going on for generations through countless cultures. lock up your daughters was a real thought in the past -- meaning that men cannot control themselves at all! it's so funny too cuz supposedly "men value rationality" over emotions and it's women who are pinned in the "irrational and crazy" light.... but who's being crazy here if they can't even keep their dick in their pants? ahhhh the plot thickens!

and i agree, it definitely starts in the home and wiping out the oversexualization of women, starting from when they're very young girls.