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RE: Name one small change you have made or could make to your life that would be of great benefit to the world if everyone did the same? ECOTRAIN QUESTION OF THE WEEK

in #ecotrain7 years ago

I have stopped using Walmart and other big box stores. This month marks ten years without spending one penny at Walmart.

I feel that companies like this and their constant expansion into new areas simply because there isn't a Walmart there is outrageous.

They open a new location and operate at a loss sometimes simply to destroy any and all competition to make the populace depend on them for everything.

Everywhere they go they hurt our friends, family and neighbors. They are breaking the back of small business in the states and elsewhere in and for that reason I will never support them. And if everyone else did the same they would disappear from the earth.

That can only be good for everyone (including oppressed Walmart employees) except the Walton family