The alternatives would likely cost producers more, both in materials and work. But it sounds from the comments here that there are people working on it, and we didn't always have plastic or fridges. Maybe butcher an animal and distribute it to a lot of people instead of filling only one family's fridge with it? A smokehouse in every back yard? We may all have to go back to these ways someday.
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definitely a fan of stainless over plastic from the fridges !! plastic is more of a disposable and that's a huge part of the problem. a good made in usa stainless steel lined fridge would last forever and id gladly pay more for it !!!
this was just a random pick from our freezer. we buy the calfs in spring and are lucky enough to have a friend with property to tend to them, butchered in October so its 8 months in the freezer now. fed all organic none of that hormone or steroid/antibiotic garbage feed pure free range and sweetened with oats and candy before butchering. was hoping for a nice Tbone but guess its sirloin for dinner tomorrow :)

also twice as tender and tasty as commercial meat so even a normally tough cut comes out amazingly tender !!
I had asked my butcher about the packaging the paper is lined with wax fully compostable/biodegradable if you want I can phone to ask for the supplier
Yes, the alternatives would cost more and often in more ways than one. I recently spoke to a company about the chances of changing their butter packaging to a plain paper one, rather than the paper/plastic/foil mix they use and they replied that they would have to change all their packing machinery in order to do that.
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