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RE: Paradigm Change & Why Notre Dame Should Never be Rebuilt

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)

Beautifully put, I feel the same, a magnificent piece of art that was built by the hands of workers who never saw the proper compensation probably, built upon their hard labor, blood and tears.

A shame to see how many millions were collected in a matter of hours, how quickly the french president is ready to do EVERYTHING in his power seemingly to restore that church. While his country is falling apart and his peoples are taking to the street week-end after week-end, yet noone gives a damn about the voice of the people saying this charade of slavery, of conditioning, and deceit is no longer acceptable.

People do not take to the streets cause things are going well in their lives, the entire nation is suffering the atrocities of the elite. Not just in France but in all of the West.

I feel like the Burning of the Cathedral was God's way of saying to the people, YOU WILL NOT FIND ME IN A CHURCH BUILT BY MAN! I am in the Hearts of Each and Every living Soul!