Great post. Yes, the good old judgment. People love to judge each other. And compare people to what they think they should be. We all deal with it on each side. Us judging them and them judging us.good morning @zen-art ...
In one way it can mean survival. Having said that I want to make a distinction. I feel it is important that we realize that really everything is not judgment. It is called opinions. We all have our own opinions. In the south we have a saying, it is kind of distasteful but here goes:
"Opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one." Don't ask lol
Okay now judge my comment. I will figure it is just your opinion and everyone has their own opinion. You are welcome to yours.
Have a great day @zen-art
I remember reading somewhere you got a job blogging, right? Anyway, congrats, wishing you much success in every thing you do. 🙏 #steemitbloggers
Hahahahaha, we have the exact same saying in my language too, it is completely identical, word for word :D
Judgment is very important and it does not have to be looked at as something negative if we are doing it the "right" way and using every piece of data available to form a specific opinion. Like I have said in the post, a little bit of judgment can even keep you safe and sound from bad things. The important thing is to have an open mind and approach every person as an individual and not be to quick to judge their actions. Thank you for your lovely comment 💚
cool...what is your language?
I have to sign off now will check when off work.
Great to connect with you cursing (we say cussing) lol
It is Croatian and the saying goes "Mišljenje je ko šu_ak, svatko ga ima", translated word for word it goes "opinion is like an as_hole, everybody has one"
@zen-art Too