Words you never new you mispronounced

in #ecotrain3 years ago


Jojoba pronounced as hohoba
I was on a stream of thoughts too what to write ,knowing I don't have so much going on in my life so I went to instagram, sometimes I visit Instagram to get an idea of what to write on readcash,while on Instagram I was watching a hair video on Instagram when I heard someone pronounce jojoba and what I heard was hohoba,I was like damn what,so I decided to write about it,what I realized was I thought I knew how to speak English fluently but I realized that I don't even know how to pronounce half of the words in English if I was examined.

Buffet this is pronounced as boof-a-y

Niche is pronounced as neesh

Often this is pronounced as offen

Almond is pronounced as almund

Meme is pronounced as meem

Marijuana is pronounced as mar-uh-wah-nuh

Vegetable is pronounced as veg-table

Tortillas is pronounced as tohr -tee-yahs

Agape pronounced without pronouncing the e,like agap

Athlete is pronounced as ath-leet

Cache is pronounced as cash

Entrepreneur is pronounced as ahn-truh-pruh- nur

Pizza is pronounced as peet-zuh

Debris is pronounced as de-bree

Epitome is pronounced as

Flour is pronounced as flower

Genre is pronounced as Zhahn -ruh

Hyperbole is pronounced as hy-per-ba-lee

Lingerie is pronounced as lawn-geh-rei

rendezvous is pronounced as rahn-duh-vooa

Subtle is pronounced as suth-l

Suite is pronounced as sweet

Tuition is pronounced as too- ish-uhn

Vineyard is pronounced as vin-yard

Its said that more than 60 percent of words have silent letters meaning,that there is a big difference between pronouncing and spelling of a word.

The idiocencrasy of English can live you in disbelief and also surprise and delight sometimes.

It will be great to download a dictionary with pronunciation so you could check words on how to pronounce them.

There so many words like this that I didn't mention here probably more then 60 percent of the English language,like I'm not going to ever say I speak English fluently when I'm feeling application forms,I'm really surprised.