Gosh we must be synced!!! I felt exactly the same out on the beach with my nephew yesterday. I was hankering for salt water and nature but wasn't enthused on my own - something made me call Ry and he was SO excited to be in the sea. He's got that stoke that comes from being out in nature that rubbed off on me yesterday, as i stood on the water's edge and breathed and breathed and breathed!!
But just being outside in nature corrects our breathing.
I remember Dad used to yell at us kids when we'd drive back to the city after a weekend on the coast - WIND DOWN YOUR WINDOWS, GIRLS, TAKE GREAT BIG LUNGFULS OF THAT FRESH SALTY AIR!! (we didn't move down til I was 10) - he knew the value of breathing in nature into your very bones that's for sure!
Glad it made you feel better. xx
Yes the beach was calling to us both, there is something so cleansing about the sea air, that has been carried from afar among the waves and then the smell and the sound, it has it all no wonder we feel so re energized, and yes breathing in nature into your very bones, love that, breathing deep always always remaining myself to do just that, so simple but so beneficial, it's amazing how bloody awesome our bodies are when we utilize them properly xxx Thank you @riverflows always a pleasure to connect with you xx