Finally got tobread this article...I really want to do a rubble trench foundation for some of our cottages we're planning on making (all to be built as much as possible with natural and upcycled materials)
I found this old Japonese foundation looks a bit like what you want to do on your next buiding... Check it out, I haven't found all that much info on it
Again thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience...looking forward to spring time when we move on the land!
I always love Japanese architecture, the link looks like it describes something similar to a rubble trench, although I couldn't tell what's underground. I'm excited for you to get building. It's funny how long it can take to dig, yet how quickly it fills up. Thanks for the positive feedback.
Oh yeah I wil find out soon enough.... I may need a machine to dig, we have boulders and bedrock pretty close to the surface.
I'd like to find out how people in rocky areas used to make foundations before machines. That's why I was loolong into this japonese way which looks to me like a mixture of ruble trench and pillars.