I am tired now...
Tired of lies and deceit..
I am exhausted now..
Exhausted of listening to the same old ramblings...
I am drained now..
Drained of the power and stamina I once had to fight for you..
I am frustrated now..
Frustrated of having you make and break promises time and again..
I am suffocated now..
Suffocated of the thing you call love, but doesn't feel love..
I am wounded now..
Wounded of the constant stabbings in the heart..
I am done now..
Done of believing you when I know I shouldn't..
I see lots of things happening around me and I feel them, think about them and ponder on them and then such poems came to me when I am walking, sitting, cooking or working. Do share your thoughts on it.
Love and light,
Here are some of my articles that may interest you:
Functioning on a Wounded Heart and Soul...
Forgiveness- Not Easy to Practice but so Liberating when You Do..
Sometimes, All You Need to Do is Say No!!
Why You Need to Live for Yourself too and Not Just for Your Kids
My Thoughts on Monster Energy...
Why We Must Take One Goal at a Time?
10 Things I wish I knew Challenge
Going Back to Home Sweet Home (A Short 50 Word Story)
Make Me Smile Challenge- My Son and His Innocent, Witty and Smart Answers
What's the Best Thing a Child Has Taught You??
I Don't Have a Perfect Child and That's Just So Beautiful...
Every Once in a While, it is Okay to Slow Down a Little...
What is Matriarchy? What Do You Think a Matriarchal Society would Look Like- @ecotrain QOTW
How to Keep Your Eyes on the Goal...
I am a part of the wonderful @ecotrain that aims to make this world a better place so do join it if that's your aim too..

Join us @steemitbloggers Animation By @zord189
Story of my life.
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:( >hugss
Hope you are ok angel xxx
Hmm not really but will be soon. Happy to know you are here. Makes me feel peaceful. <3
Big HUGS and LOTS of LOVE xoxoxoxoxoxo
Your poem reminds me of my life right now lol. My significant other in a nutshell, but I know it's not him, and I love him, so just sticking through. Much love, and I hope you get through this. ❤
Aaahh same pain love. I am here for you <3
Sounds sad sweets :(
It is sad and I am sad, but will be okay soon. Thanks for being here :)
No worries, everything happens for a reason.
Your pain emanates thru you words so much. I am still a stranger to you and it is hard to say anything when people are hurting. Breath you are stronger than you think. This too shall pass.
Thank you so much for the concern. Yeah it will pass. Its only that enduring the pain isn't easy. May life be easy for all of us. Ameen.
I can feel the frustration bleeding through your words. Powerful writing. I hope you're OK and this isn't completely autobiographical, if it is, well... big hugs from me and I hope things get easier for you soon sharoonyasir. Love and hugs
Thank you so much for the support. Means a lot. <3
We miss you, Shary!!
And just so you know, we are doing a selfie contest ala papa-pepper with a freewrite twist :)
Maybe you can join....
It sounds like you could use some silly fun in your life...
Yeah I could really use this fun. Checked out the post and it sounds amazing, but the only problem is my phone's camera doesn't work :( and I dont have another camera phone.
Oh. no camera on your computer? Miss seeing your smiling face... Or sad face. All good
Hugs to you!
Yeah I have a webcam on my laptop. Think will have to make do with it or maybe I could borrow one from my sister. Haha, it is sad these days.
Do at least register. Maybe we can give you a smile...
Oh I hear you Sharoon, I have felt these feelings too, how many times we are let down, much love to you and thank you for sharing your beautiful heartfelt poem xxx
Yeah we feel let down and the other person feels he/ she is let down and this battle keeps going on. One has to stop if he/ she wishes to make peace but surrendering is easier said than done. Thank you for always having my back. Can't tell you how much that means to me. <3
surrendering is so hard, something I struggle with. I'm always happy to stand with you, I feel the same, much love, light and respect beautiful mama xx
Sending you love and lights, not sure what else I can do.
Hope you will be fine.
This is so sweet. Love and light and prayers are all what I need right now so that's the best thing ever. <3 Thank you.
Blessing to you.
Right there with you, mama. Wish i could say something more helpful. I can only say i hear you. I see you, and i feel you. Sending love. Take care of yourself.
That's what I want- your love and good wishes <3
Well, you always have them.