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RE: All Kids Need Freedom as Much as They Need Boundaries: EcoTrain's Question of the Week - Kids and Smartphones

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Good stuff! I think it's so important to guide them and really talk to them. That's so awesome that you taught your son about commercialism and marketing tactics.
I honestly think their brains are different. I remember watching my oldest play this kind of trippy 3D game many years ago, and it gave me vertigo and made me a little nauseous, but their brains seem to be evolving.


I felt really bad once - we were in spain and he must have been about 4 - we were so poor, I was literally carrying a bag of food around in a plastic bag with crackers and queso fresco, a tin of chickpeas and some tomatoes. He saw these toy soldiers in a shop window and wanted them, whereupon i gave him a lecture on how they were placed at his eye level, military blah blah, plastic pollution, etc etc. The poor kid - he was only 4. Sometimes I wished I'd just bought them for him haha. But then, probably saved him in the long run!

Awww. I can feel this in my heart. It's hard. Sometimes I do just buy them the plastic shit. Balance is good. I'll tell you. My oldest always wanted a batarang, and I just never even really understood what he was talking about and kind of ignored it, and oh lord, he talked about it over and over but eventually gave up. Last Christmas I bought him one, and it was such a sweet moment for us.