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RE: What is patriarchy? Is a patriarchy the same as a society led by men, or is it more, a society led by fear and a feeling of scarcity, that happens to be an environment in which the masculine takes charge?

in #ecotrain7 years ago

A lot of this really resonates with me. Having been brought up Christian but turning to deep Torah study several years ago, I have pondered the meaning of that story. Some Jewish views on the story see the snake as one who enlightened the man and woman and then they were different from the animals. They then had free will. They don’t see the snake as Satan. Their view of ha Satan is as an angel that is an agent of God. His name means the accuser.
The more I study this, I agree that it is symbolic of our journey as humans. I tried to ignore the theory of alien intervention, but looking into the Sumerian records and other evidence is so very convincing. If that is the case, how do we discern how to live? I believe it all comes down to love and honoring each other as equals.


Wow thanks stillwatersart, I feel like you really took the time to read it. I appreciate it! So you did an in depth study of the Tora? That must have been very interesting huh? I studied religions for a year in college.
Which was also very interesting and it seems it still is my area of interest. Yes, a symbolic story can be interpreted in many ways, I guess in a sense it's correct that human free will only was put to the test from that symbolic moment of choice of Adam and Eve onwards, whatever the choice was. I think it did indeed point towards an terrestrial race interfering with our DNA and also have had dreams about it. I will write more about it in my two next posts about matriarchy and where were heading. Yes, regaining the trust in ourselves that we can discern how to live if we listen well and loving and honouring each other as equals is definitely a good way to get back in touch with our original coding.