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RE: How To: Starting Fruit & Nut Trees from Seed in a Temperate Climate

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Could you do me a huge favor and send me the code for them so I can include these banners in the same way into my posts? Coding (even using markdown) is really not my forte, so this would be a great help, and I would appreciate it immensely.One question, @sagescrub, or rather a little help: I really like the banners at the bottom of your posts, as these are two communities I also like to contribute to, and I would like to use them in my posts in the same way. I've talked to @eco-alex and @greenacrehome about it, got their okay, so all I need is to do it. What I especially like about yours are not just the banners but the tag, the website, and link to the discord under each one.


Oh no problem! It is kind of second nature to me since I have a background in web design. I am glad to share the markdown. If you private message me in discord ( you can find me in either community) I will attach the markdown.

Oh thanks, but as you can see at the end of my last couple of posts, I've figured it out. It looks a lot like yours, actually.

Nice going!!