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RE: 3 Minutes 2 Talk, 1 Take: Hope Huggs' Soul Spark

in #ecotrain7 years ago

Life... that is a hard question, to me life is nothing more nothing less than what we make it... how can we even know we are alive? there are theories that our whole world is just a simulation done on a supercomputer...
From a biological viewpoint, life is one of the most amazing miracles! The only way for it to exist is for every little tiny variable to be right!

And going to the other end "What is death?"


life is nothing more nothing less than what we make it.

It is all down to us individually to make that choice and remembering that we are all walking miracles is good start.

We could all be part of a real life second life, with some intergalatic species watching, laughing, controlling our every move. Who knows!

What is death? The end, the beginning, your spark goes elsewhere, wherever that may be.

You made me really think some more with that comment.

I only have one quote regarding death

"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." - Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter

Well if Albus Dumbledore says it, then I'll look forward to that next great adventure.