EcoDesigns Eco-Fashion Show! Reminiscing the beauty of empowering women and girls!

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

#EcoDesigns Eco-Fashion Show


Sunday 27th of May 2018 shall forever remain a memorable day for the people of Bamenda and the EcoDesigners of The Greens as we organized our first Eco-Fashion show where we were showcasing to the public what we have been up to as concerns textile waste upcycling and fashion designing.
The main goal of the Eco-Fashion Show was to educate the public on on the environmental impact of textile waste and show them how we are using textile waste as a resource to curb youth unemployment and poverty, combat climate change, promote a clean city and improve the health and wellbeing of the underpriviledged.
Besides showcasing our textile upcycled products, we also wanted to market our textile upcycled products as well as some of the beautiful garmets our trainees were producing at Eco-Designs.

Attended by more than 150 persons, the event was a great success that is still making news in the airwaves of Bamenda. Some of our textile upcycled products that were showcased include Pieces dresses (garments such as Kaba, Jumper, Jackets, Skirts, etc), T-Shirts, Dolls, Children's Pillows, Bowties, Eco-textile necklaces and bracelets, Scarecrows and we are very happy that we made some very huge sales of these eco-products.
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Textile Upycled Corner

Dolls made from textile waste

Gerald is one of our clients who bought a Pieces Dress

The kid looks shy but stayed glued to her doll all day

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T-Shirts that have been designed with Textile Waste

It was such a wonderful event and i really enjoyed the smiles on the faces of our clients and team members and most of them were happy to join us for group pictures.

We were inspired when most of our trainees parents and guardians came for the show and expressed how they felt. Below is a picture of some of our trainees with their family. I personally interviewed the lady and she said she was so impressed with the work we are doing with her child and with the young girls of the North West Region and that she really enjoyed our creativity in transforming trash to treasure.

If we had a great event, it was thanks to the more than 150 persons who made a stop for our show. Besides learning about what we do, most of them supported us by purchasing our products. We sold more than 60% of what we displayed and this to me and the entire team was a huge accomplishment.
Below are images of some the people who purchased dresses from us dressing their new garments made by EcoDesigns;

You may also want to take a look at some of the beautiful designs our EcoDesigners produced for our show.
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If we are celebrating today, it's thanks to the hardwork of these beautiful ladies who worked night and day to upcycle and design these amazing products you all are seeing. Permit me use this opportunity to say Kudos to my EcoDesigns team! You all are awesome.

I want you all to join me to congratulate these women of substance who want to make the world a better place by empowering women and girls. They are;

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Fon Thanian (@thanianshiri) - Assistant Director of Projects and Programs and Fon Irene - Director of Training in Textile Recycling and Fashion Designing

Tubou Laura (@laurakiss) - Public Relations Officer

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Bamujoh Cecilia - Director of Training in Embroidery and Textile Recycling and Sama Scholastica (@samascholastica) - Administrative Assistant

I also want to give a big shout out to all our trainees of EcoDesigns for their hardwork and commitment towards upcycling 5000kgs of Textile waste this year.

It was a very wonderful event and the feedback has already started coming. Some of our major accomplishments include;

  1. More than 150 persons sensitized about textile waste pollution, its effects and what they can do with textile waste.
  2. More than 500 persons of Bamenda are now aware about EcoDesigns
  3. More than 50 new clients achieved for EcoDesigns
  4. Great sales of Upycled products and garments

Stay tuned to updates from EcoDesigns and next month we shall open an EcoShop.


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#ecotrain #EcoDesigns #dynamicsteemians #steemiteducation #fashion @ecotrain @eco-alex @hr1 @thanianshiri @samascholastica @laurakiss @dynamicsteemians @thundercurator @dynamicgreentk @dynamicrypto


so cool! love the designs you and your team are coming up with! glad to hear it was a big hit in your community! go green(s)!!! <3

it was not easy I was there and I enjoyed that day. I made a series of friends and well wishers who congratulated us and told me they have seen reasons to be coming always

It was indeed a spectacular event. the products made out of textile waste were wonderful. As I walk some of the customers showing them our products they were amazed at what we are doing with textile waste.

all these designs are really beautiful and very well made, well done ladies you done an amazing job with all of them. So happy to hear it was a success xx

Thanks very much @trucklife-family and we are really impressed it was a hit.

You have been scouted by @promo-mentors. We are a community of new and veteran Steemians and we are always on the look out for promising authors.

We would like to invite you to our discord group

So beautiful!!

Welcome on Steemit! Look a really nice project! Steem ON!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks very much @dexpartacus and great to connect. You can also connect with our @ecodesigns and @biodiversity which are projects of our organization