The Plastic Problem; a myth or a reality? Facts, Research Findings and Tips to #BeatPlasticPollution. World Environment Day in Cameroon

in #ecotrain7 years ago

The Plastic Problem; a myth or a reality? Facts, Research Findings and tips to #BeatPlasticPollution.

World Environment Day in Cameroon

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Did you know?

8.3 BILLION Metric Tons of plastic has been produced since plastic was introduced in the 1950s. This has generated 6.3 BILLION Metric tons of plastic waste of which 8 MILLION Metric Tons winds up in our oceans each year.

Pixabay Image Did you know 260,000 Tons of plastic float in the sea and this is poisoning our food chain and that by the year 2050 if we don’t act, there will be more plastics in the ocean than fish? #PlasticOceans

What is Plastic Pollution?

It’s one of the major environmental challenges of our time and can simply be referred to as the accumulation of plastic products in the environment that adversely affects wildlife and their habitat as well as human population. It can affect land, waterways, water, oceans, air, flora and fauna.
I fear we are creating a plastic planet. We now have #PlasticBeaches, #PlasticLands, #PlasticStreams and #PlasticOceans everywhere around the world” – Mr Green
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Did you know?

Nearly TWO MILLION single-use plastic bags are distributed worldwide every minute and ONE MILLION plastic bottles are bought EVERY MINUTE around the world — and that the number will top half a TRILLION by 2021

Did you know Plastics block waterways and cause flooding, litter the environment, contribute to Climate Change and that Plastics are expensive as well as very expensive to clean up from the environment?

It’s frightening to know the amount of plastics we use every day and it’s really disgusting to see the amount the degradation plastics bring to our environment.
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In one way or another, we all have contributed to plastic pollution and are suffering from the effects of plastic pollution.
One of the scariest reports I have ever come across with respect to plastic pollution is the Orb Media research report which stated that we are now drinking plastics in water. The reports knocks us out and confirms that plastics are coming back to us through our drinking water and this confirms the fact that “Like DIAMONDS, PLASTICS are forever! Virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists in some shape or form”.
More details about the report can be found at the Orb Media Website

Did you know Toxic chemicals leach out of plastic and are found in the blood and tissue of nearly all of us? Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments.

These are just a few facts and effects of the plastic problem but what is the situation of plastics in Cameroon, my fatherland.


In Cameroon, the following legal frame works guide the production, use and management of plastic waste in the country.

  • Law No 96/12 of 5th August 1996 relating to environmental management in Cameroon
  • Decree N°2012/2809/PM of 26th September 2012 fixing the conditions for sorting, collection, storage, transportation, recovering, recycling, treatment and final disposal of waste.
  • Joint Ministerial Order N°004/MINEPDED/MINCOMMERCE of 12th October 2012 fixing the regulation of the fabrication, the importance and the commercialization of package non-biodegradable plastic.

On the 24th of April 2014, the Government of Cameroon banned the importation and use of single-use light weight plastics that are less than 61 microns and non-biodegradable.


What is the situation, 4 years after the ban?

Ever since the ban, more than 12 tons of these plastics have been seized and fines of up to 7,000,000CFAF have been collected from dealers and users of the banned plastics. This has effected some significant change in the commercialization and usage of the banned plastics but there are still a lot of challenges in completely eradicating these single-use, light weight plastics in the Country.
Some of the reasons that account for the persistent use of the banned plastics include;

  • Alternatives are expensive and in most cases, they are not adapted to suit the needs of the people
  • Smuggling and selling plastics is now a more profitable business
  • Insufficient sensitization of the public about the dangers and effects of plastics
  • Cameroon has a long and porous border with Nigeria from which most of the banned plastics are being smuggled into the country.
  • The absence of environmental control posts along the borders as well as weak law enforcement.

These are just some of the reasons that inspired @thegreens launch their #EndPlasticPollution Campaign in Cameroon. The Greens dreams of a plastic free Cameroon and they will work together with the government and other stakeholders to champion the fight against plastic pollution in Cameroon.

What about Plastic bottles?

Though not banned, plastic bottles are now causing more pollution in Cameroon than the single-use light weight plastics. Coupled with single-use cups, plates, spoons, straws, plastic wrappings and other plastic materials, it’s now more common to find them everywhere.

What is the situation of plastics in your country? What steps have the government of your country taken to beat plastic pollution and what are some of the challenges you face in tackling plastic pollution.

World Environment Day 2018 in Bamenda, the North West Region of Cameroon.

Commemorated on Tuesday the 5th of June 2018 under the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution” and the slogan “if you can reuse it, refuse it”, World Environment Day otherwise known as the People’s Day this year aimed at encouraging worldwide awareness and action to beat plastic pollution and care for the environment.

In the North West Region of Cameroon, The Greens in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development under the distinguished patronage of the Governor of the North West Region organized a series of activities during the World Environment Week that ran from the 30th of May to the 4th of June 2018. You can read about our World Environment Week activities at

Under the distinguished patronage of the Governor of the North West Region, World Environment Day was commemorated in the North West Region in grand style. It witnessed the attendance of all of Administrative authorities of the region, the Mayors, the Government Delegate, service heads such as school principals, civil society organizations, the press, students, environmental activists and people of the region.
The event commenced with the singing of the National Anthem, a word of prayer and a world of welcome which was presented by the Government Delegate to the Bamenda City Council and was followed by a presentation of the UN Secretary General’s message which was done by the Regional Delegate of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development.

The UN Secretary General’s Message on World Environment Day 2018

A healthy planet is essential for a prosperous and peaceful future.

We all have a role to play in protecting our only home.

But it can be difficult to know what to do or where to start.

That’s why this World Environment Day has just one request.

Beat plastic pollution.

Our world is swamped by harmful plastic waste.

Every year, more than 8 million tonnes end up in the oceans.

Microplastics in the seas now outnumber stars in our galaxy

From remote islands to the Artic, nowhere is untouched.

If present trends continue, by 2050 our oceans will have more plastic than fish.

On World Environment Day, the message is simple: reject single-use plastic.

Refuse what you can’t re-use.

Together, we can chart a path to a cleaner, greener world.

Thank you.

This was followed by a short skit by Youth For Action (YOFA). The skit called on every individual to stop complaining and start taking action to beat plastic pollution.

Mr. Ebai Maurice, Regional Chief of Information, Sensitization and Documentation at the Regional Delegation of Environment, Protection of Nature and Sustainable Development then did a powerpoint presentation on the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution”
His presentation was followed by a keynote address from the representative of the Governor of the North West Region who added his voice to that of the UN Secretary General to say “if you can’t reuse it, refuse it” and that together we can beat plastic pollution.

Prizes to the winners were then handed over the World Environment Day Quiz winners who also posed for a picture with the representative of the Governor and his entourage. We then had a family photo and press interviews.

The Exhibition Stands

It was now time for everyone to visit the various exhibition stands of the different environmental organizations that were making a difference in the North West Region.
Some of the organizations that had exhibitions included;

1. The Greens

@thanianshiri presenting @thegreens to a guests who visited our exhibition stand



3. Nkwenti Environmental Protection Foundation (NEPROF)






6. Link Packaging

The event ended with a strong message “Together, Let’s Beat Plastic Pollution in the North West Region”

How can we #BeatPlasticPollution?


The 5Rs can beat plastic pollution.


Simply say NO to single-use and disposable plastics, such as bags, bottles, straws, cups, spoons and plates! Discover alternatives. This is the most effective of 5R's and will allow you to discover that life without disposable plastics is not only entirely feasible, but also healthier and wealthier.


If you don’t need it, don’t take it!
Reduce your plastic footprint entirely by avoiding plastic in the first place or by buying in bulk, choosing products with the least packaging and amount of disposable parts, looking for products and packaging made from renewable resources, and avoiding plastic packaging and containers.


Reuse preferably nontoxic, such as glass or stainless steel, containers and goods to make less waste. If you have plastic bags or containers, reuse them as well to prolong their life before recycling them.


A lot of plastics are already in the environment, causing a lot land and marine pollution. It’s high time we remove it via clean up campaigns, to recycle it!


Recycle what you can’t refuse, reduce, reuse or remove from the Earth. Recycling plastic has many benefits, but is a last option because it uses energy.

It will be great to read your World Environment Day stories. How did you or your community or nation celebrate World Environment Day? How are you beating plastic pollution in your life?

“If you can’t resuse it, refuse it”

@ecotrain #ecotrain @eco-alex #steemiteducation @steemiteducation


I can't wait till plastics alternatives are made from plant material. This will help keep our lifestyle but not hurt the planet. Their is a huge circle of plastic in the ocean called the great Pacific garbage patch. It's bigger than Texas!

yes ! you are right ! sir.

What a lovely post. Great initiative to raise awareness to stop plastic pollution! :-)

Awesome! Great to see other environmental organizations at work! We ourselves are an environmental sustainability non-profit located in Lobitos, Peru and can't wait to see more posts!

Wow, great to connect and look forward to working together to make the environment a better place

Do you know of any other green organizations on SteemIt? It'd be very good to start a supportive network! Though we're all in different locations on our beautiful earth, we all have similar goals :)

Legalize the growing of hemp, u can make plastic hemp, concrete hemp, fabric hemp everything green organic hemp!!!! No more plastic problem :)

Thanks for this great proposal and we shall certainly start by doing some more research and perhaps some small scale production of hemp products to add our voices to the voices of those calling for hemp legalization around the world.

Plastic pollution is one of the most serious issue across the globe. Though there are lot of measures being taken to eliminate the use but they are just not enough. Plastic bottles, bags and so many other forms, I guess the governments are also finding a constraint to manage the curb cause the use is so wide. It will only be possible when every single individual consciously work towards it.
I hope your article is read by many users here to spread awareness.
Resteemed from my side.

Individual awareness and actions can beat plastic pollution and i hope too that this article spreads accross the globe and thanks for resteeming to help spread the word. Together, we can beat plastic pollution.

#ZeroWaste is a huge topic on my shows. Would love to have you on a Monday podcast on @msp-waves sometime. CHeck out my last #DLive post of this week's podcast for some info on what I and some of my guests are doing about #ThePlasticProblem. Scroll down on my blog for my show with Bea Johnson of Zero Waste Home.

Wow, will definitely like to be guest on your show. Checking your blog and #DLive post of this week's podcast and will get back to you with feedback.