Agreed, great post.
There are usually more than two options, but language often leaves people trapped. New general paradigms can be created and must be created.
X versus notX thinking also just leads to everyone being divided and conquered. Especially because just because (0 1) is not less than or equal to (1 0) doesn't mean the remaining possibility, that it's somehow greater than it. Rather in this case and others its just something yet different.
What's going on right now is mostly what happens when people get nervous because things are not going well: they decide to move some shared things around, anything. Rearrange. Meanwhile somebody else decides to move the thing in the opposite direction. And suddenly there is fighting. Which was often the goal originally, subconsciously, as it distracts toward the less relevant away from the more relevant fundamental problems that caused the nervousness. People feel better, because arguing over position of chairs is ultimately less stressful than thinking about something really dreadful. But less positive things actually get done then.
Nice perspective, @tibra Sort of rearranging deck chairs on the titanic. Yes, I "get" exactly what you mean. I love the way the steem community encourages diversity of opinion and deliberately steps away from this endless, depleting, destructive dualism. Thanks for stopping by! :)