Is it better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all? Ecotrain's Question Of The Week

in #ecotrain7 years ago (edited)

I simply can not imagine a life without love.

It is something we have no control over, it is a force of nature, it is something that just is. It is not ours to command, it is not something that we should try and dissect and understand, it is something we just need to accept. Love is the one thing that can unite us, too many people today live in fear when they should be living from a place of love, can you imagine what that would be like. If we all were able to meet each other from a place of love.

As a children I had some crazy ideas of what love was, because I grew up in a violent home. My father was aggressive towards my mother and they fought all the time. In my eyes that was what adult love was. Both my father and mother were aggressive towards me, my father more so, yet everyone where I was told that my parents loved me, so love for me was aggressive and painful. I now know that it was not real love, but it did have a huge influence on how I viewed love between people. I viewed it as Aggressive, difficult and very painful. Luckily for me I relearnt what it really can be, through my friends, my partners and my children.

But when I walked away from my home and into natures embrace, there I discovered real love. It is so hard to define what love is, because we love in so many different ways. But my love for nature has always been unconditional, I am constantly in awe, constantly inspired, constantly being replenished by her. I feel so protective of nature and also so honoured to be part of something so beautiful and real. My love for nature has kept me and keeps me whole, through all the many roller-coasters I have been on so far in this life. Because in loving nature I am loving myself, accepting myself and all love must start from self.

Sure I have went through periods of my life where I struggled with my self esteem, but that was due to how other people treated me, that was inflicted by others, who reflected their lack of self love onto me. At the time I did not realize that, hind sight sure is a great thing. But when we suffer at the hands of others, it forces us to recreate ourselves, to become stronger. But I am going off point here. We are talking about love, more specifically about having loved and lost.

To be honest I do not like to associate the word lost with love, because when you love someone you never lose them, you carry a piece of that person around with you for the rest of your life. Okay their physical presence is not there. Yes there is pain, but that is the love that you hold for them. A close friend of mine returned to the earth in February, she had been living with breast cancer and she was a warrior. She taught me so much, she was a real Goddess and she really gifted me with so much. I do not get to be in her presence anymore, but I have not lost her, I feel her around me, I feel her energy, her love. Her physical form may have left but her love burns bright in the world around me.

I recently separated from my partner and father of my girls, I definitely loved him, when we first met it was like fireworks, we had such a electrifying connection, that it literally floored us both. We became completely consumed by our love for one another. The above song by Bjork does quiet a good job of describing how I felt. It was indeed a force of nature. But as life went on and we became parents those feelings lessen, we were too busy to really find time for one another. The love was less intense and in the end we grew apart. But I do not regret anything. Every person I have loved has taught me so much about myself, I have been gifted with more insight and more awareness. I have learnt more and more about what it is to love and be loved.Yes of course it hurts when I am no longer with them, but life hurts and we are sculpted by those who we have loved. When we separate from a partner, it is like we are rubbing away a layer of ourselves, until eventually we become more and more the person who we are meant to be. We are being shaped into fine diamonds!

And then there is the love I feel for my children, wow that goes above and beyond everything. That love is limitless, it grows and expands everyday, I never would have thought such a thing was possible, but oh boy it is. It fills me up and I literally am overflowing with love for them. That very first moment I got to hold my daughters, got to look into their eyes, I really felt like i could have burst into light, the love I felt was so intense. I will always hold onto that feeling, to that discovery for the rest of my life.

Love is a force, such a powerful force for healing, for life. We are nothing without love!

8 Pillars of TribeSteemUp


Big Big Thank You To @byn for designing my logo.


This is beautiful! And so true that how we see and experience love can be such an individual thing; an individual thing that sometimes has elements of toxicity because of what life has shown us.

Bright Blessings!

thank you @whitelightxpress , bright blessings to you too xx

This is wonderful to read, you always find the words. Yes without love, what would we be? And we lose people, but the love is from within and is always there. xx

Thanks so much @vegan.niinja, I was finding it hard to start this answer but once I wrote the first line it all just flowed xx

I also found it quite hard to know what to write about this topic, and didnt manage to write as much as you did you;) You are simply so so talented!!

wonderful answer! I think you are the first to mention that you cannot ever really lose love!!! it is SO true and what makes it SO special.. it lives forever xxxx <3

thank you Alex xxx

Wow I could feel the love you have for your children emanating from your last paragraph, thank you for sharing that!! It is truly powerful. I love what you say here, especially about knowing love in connection with nature and also about how love sculpts us ❤️ Much love to you dear

thank you beautiful much love right back at ya xx

It is very hard for children in abusive homes to understand and accept love when they grow up. We are very impressionable when we are young and the first place we learn about anything is our home. I am glad you had the chance to turn your life around and experience so much love as an adult. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Much love 💚

thank you @zen-art, I am learning all the time and I am very fortunate to have some great friends around me xx

Anyone loved by you wpuld be lucky indeed. Its so poignant and moving to me that you wrote about how we carry those we love with us all the time. It made me shed a tear!!! 💚💚💚

ANd this: > Because in loving nature I am loving myself, accepting myself and all love must start from self.

Perfectly beautifully true xx

thank you my dear, the love we carry with us makes us stronger and keeps those in our hearts forever. Much love to you xx

That is such a lovely and true post <3 Your spreading of words and love and positive vibes is a true gift - I'm glad you found a place to share it with the world <3

thank @soyrosa for your beautiful feedback,it's really nice to connect with you again xxx

Reading this moved me so deeply, I agree with all that you said. That first moment with my babe in arms - that otherworldly feeling .... it washed over me again as I got to the end of your post. Thank you. ♥

thank you, That first moment indeed, so happen to bring those feelings back for you, what magic it is xxx

OH my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about your recent break-up! I feel like I have been completely oblivious recently with focusing on myself so much and trying to get better! Big hugs to you. You have been through so much this year already, you are so strong! You will always have the love you felt and nobody can take that away from you, you are right about it not being a loss. You will always have the happy memories. You also have your beautiful children who the love will only ever grow and grow for. I am sorry I have been so absent and I am sending huge hugs xxxx

oh lovely @beautifulbillies, that is okay, you have had a lot going on yourself. Thank you so much for your beautiful words and all the support you have always shown me. Huge hugs right back at you xx

"Because in loving nature I am loving myself, accepting myself and all love must start from self." ❤❤❤ Yes! I so agree with this statement. The only way we can truly love is if we love and accept ourselves. Great post, thank you 🙂

What a beautiful posting of love, the power of love and how it prevails and lives on forever in our hearts. I feel saddened by your harsh beginning in life but am moved by your story of growth and loving - oh the mother's love is a wonderful thing indeed!

thank you @porters for your beautiful feedback and yes a mothers love is wonderful xxx