Wonderful post @zen-art and spot on. In education, it is said that it takes doing the same activity 1k for a kindergartner to retain what they are being taught. In our regular lives, it's the repetition and consistency that we learn a new process or adding an activity to our lives.
The only pitfall is not to be so rigidly stuck in that routine, that you become unable to function. Spontaneity once in a while is an incredible thing.
I think there needs to be a healthy balance between routine and spontaneity for life to both fun and educational at the same time ;)
Completely agree. I took this time to reflect a little. I had gotten so caught up in trying to get a routine going when the HF happened it messed it up. It took me a day to say 'oh well' we'll still keep chugging away as best as we can and to diversify just a little bit just as a back up.