I dream of being a bee keeper but have this huge fear of killing them all which has me dragging my feet. I am sure that would be terribly upsetting to lose a lot of hives - I know I would be upset. I am sorry your bees vanished! Will you try again?
I love pickled garlic ...We eat garlic almost every day. It's sort of crazy. I grow so much of it and there is just the two of us here. I want to sell organic garlic but just can't seem to get things going at the scale we need.
(honey and garlic ...go figure).
I've got the winter to get things figured out once and for all! :)
Yes, we'll try again - trying to get in touch with our stoner beekeeper as he's the one that gave us the hives when a swarm landed on our property. I was so sad, but at least there's still a heap of bees in the garden - it's so springalicious out there!