this isn't new tho .. lol like i mentioned in one of the voice channels. it's called #pocketdump, which has been going on for awhile and EDC refers to survival gear ...
those who truly EDC this can be quite confusing when/if they come to steemit ... there was already an #edc tag created prior to this with prepper gear. this will be tough for people like me to find out the edc gear i really want to check out. baha
yikes! @bugiq
ps. i like the lil coin bag ... hehe
@thebugiq might be interested in hearing how things have been redefined on the Steem blockchain.
interesting, yeah i've always known EDC since i was a kid to mean carry weaponry and survival gear. LOL
shrugs ... no worries mah lady ... no need to be sorry. i loved your pink stuffs and i did mention it when bugiq was thinking about doing it. so guess he went ahead anyways? but if you all take a look at the tag it has prepper gear under edc from way back. much love, eagle spirit
I edited the post to remove "EDC" and "Everyday Carry" in the body of the text, title, and tags. I can't change the first tag, of course, nor the URL, but everything else has been fixed. Sorry for the confusion. 🙁
i think in DM i said no biggie and everyone is still talking about it, maybe tags are t such a big thing on steemit as was initially enforced in mah head! lol
i been brainwashed kitty help help haha
EDC simply refers to Every Day Carry. It includes anything and everything anyone chooses to carry on a daily basis. EDC is something I'm interested in and have been asking people to send me a pic of their EDC if they would like to be featured.
I also resteem them on my @EDCLove account. Nothing at all confusing about EDC and has nothing to do with survival gear and weapons unless that is a part of what someone carries on a daily basis. Yikes @eaglespirit?
Did you check the tag before you started using it? Also, it is a well known name usage for those in the prepper and every day carry category that the term has to do with gear. I was bringing this up since yes, it will cause quite a bit of confusion and when I mentioned this to you in chat maybe you didn't hear my concern? I don't know. At any rate, I wouldn't know what to do about someone taking over someone else's tag -- when I first joined Steemit I was taught to look first before starting an initiative. EDCLove is different than EDC for sure. I'm going to ask around to some witnesses and see what they say.
Yes, yikes @thebugiq. LOL
What you are doing is a pocketdump, that has been done too. Nothing wrong with either, but as mentioned EDC has taken on more than just what you carry every day and related to prepper and survival gear.
Tagging the following to get their thoughts:
@preparedwombat, @pennsif, @thedamus, @geordieprepper, @arcange, @preppervetuk, @preppersonline, @underground, @goldendawne, @armshippie.
When I ran the #pocketdump challenge a while back it was to show off your #edc. I wouldn't say it has to be tactical or peeping stuff. Unless your into that sort of thing. Most of the people on mine showed off guns, knives and gear because that's what they are into.
thanks for replying AH, also yours was a #pocketdump not specifically edc as well. definitely a difference. the subject is edc, and we take a look at the tag already in existence and the term its prepper and gear, something edc community looks for to look at gear not a pocket dump under edc.
EDC, Get Home Bags, Bug Out Bags, Scout Packs, Survival packs and more all have their place. The fact that some choose to appropriate the EDC tag to include survival gear by no means makes it a prepper specific term.
There are in fact several categories of EDC depending on what it is you choose to carry. Urban EDC, TSA friendly EDC, Survival EDC etc. You are simply ignorant of the facts and nuance of the subject matter.
@thekittygirl went ahead and did a pocket/purse dump on her own. What I have been doing is asking people to submit a pic of their EDC to me and I have been featuring them in a post.
Be that as it may, I have begun contacting people and warning them not to use tags. I informed Snekky that she must no longer use the art, doodle or stones tags. I will continue warning as many people as I can so they don’t fall afoul on this great and free platform.
I’m going to go ahead and tag @ned on this very serious matter. I’m sure he’ll be on it right away.
I hope you will be able to wade through the avalanche of EDC tags on the platform to locate the much needed information you are seeking.
All the best,