
The personality of adolescents shows relevant changes, whether with more or less turbulence, when young people have to cross the bridge between the child and the adult. Their emotions tend to intensify and the affectivity experiences variations.
Many psychologists and specialists have devoted time to the study of the problems of adolescence, and have analyzed a series of typical characteristics that are influential in the adolescent's personality.
Then, we will share a story and review some typical personality characteristics in adolescence as the fundamental purpose of this study, and we will serve as a knowledge tool for all blockchain readers, whether young or adult.
Elena, just 21 years old, is starting the second course in Business Studies. It is a considerable achievement, if we consider that it is the third university race that begins. He studied one year of biology and another of psychology. Naturally, his parents are worried; but, when they see it excited about the new option, they recover their hopes and trust that this time it will continue. Your problem is not mental capacity. She has always been a bright student, with very high grades in elementary and middle school. In fact, the two previous races started very well. Just think a lot and decide: "This is not my thing". The poor woman is very confused. In addition, he is dating Armando, a young man with many positive qualities; However, although she does not understand it herself, she likes Ricardo, with whom she was dating two years ago. His mother repeats: "My daughter has lost her mind ..."
Like Elena, many young people tend to adapt to the category that is generally defined as "I do not know what you want."
This shows that, with more or less turbulence, when crossing the child-adult bridge, young people show changes in their personality, their emotions tend to intensify and the affectivity undergoes variations.
As the purpose of this study is to review the most significant typical characteristics of the adolescent's personality, we will mention some of them.

1. The teenager faces the adult world.
The respect and admiration that children feel towards parents, teachers and adults in general, vanish and, instead, a defiant attitude emerges. The imperfections of what he once considered infallible now seem obvious in contrast to the adolescent's high expectations.
2. The teenager is argumentative.
It is important to know that the new mental capacity that appears with growth enables the young person to present logical arguments and successfully refute the opposite. This intellectual progress is often not liked by parents, as they are now deprived of the ability to persuade their children.
3. Adolescence is a period of "high sensitivity".
The boys tend to interpret a conversation in low voice as evidence that they talk about them or are planning some plan against them. This suspicious attitude is often directed towards parents, but it also extends to other family members and peers. When this feature is accentuated, the risk of deterioration of relationships is great.

4. The teenager does not have a sufficiently real concept of himself.
Understand this, when the adolescent makes an analysis of himself, in some moments he looks very safe and full of qualities. However, more often it tends to feel inferior. These traits are not limited to aptitudes. Some teens consider that they have more willpower or self-control than the average young person, which can be dangerous. So, for example, there are children who recklessly present themselves to an offer of a medication: "I can prove it, because, of course, I'm not going to get hooked ... To others it can happen". .. but I am, in no way! "Or girls who, in situations or risky practices, say:" Get pregnant? Impossible, that does not happen to me. "
5. The teenager sometimes offers an inconsistent image.
Because he feels so passionate about his ideals, his position tends to the extreme. This causes those who observe it to notice apparent inconsistencies. For example, a pacifist girl manifests herself against violence so radically that she comes to use her own violence against the forces of law and order.

These typical characteristics of adolescence, it is normal to modulate the passage of time. Meanwhile, to support adolescents more effectively, we must begin by knowing well the evolution of their personality.
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