Today there are many extracurricular activities that benefit children in their growth and development, as they complete aspects that do not occur in schools, such as sports activities, music and other artistic activities. In addition, with the additional activities, the children learn to function in a different environment from the everyday and interact with new people, learn to work in teams and socialize with other children.
Benefits of extracurricular activities.
- Children who are shy learn to socialize and interact with other children. In addition to motivating teamwork.
- With extracurricular activities children learn to know, what their weaknesses, strengths and tastes are. They can better define their personality.
- Performing different activities promotes safety in children, in addition to strengthening the sense of responsibility and organization. Children learn to solve problems according to their age.
- Improve your physical and emotional health. The children are in constant movement and happy to be able to carry out activities that besides teaching they like and are fun.
Do not overload children with many extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular activities are positive, but if children are pressured or overloaded with many activities, without giving them time to rest, play or share with the family, this can be negative. You can not enroll your child in the mornings at school, at noon in football, in the afternoon in painting and on weekends in music, as it would take the child with a lot of information, causing child stress, at the same time You can reduce your academic performance and do not end up performing well in any of the activities you do, ends up filling with anger and nothing you like.
It is essential that parents are clear that activities outside of schools are not an obligation, but something that children enjoy, so it is important that the child expresses the interest of wanting to do an extra activity, to be able to organize the time available . Some children are inclined towards sports activities and others for artistic activities. If after a while the child wants to change his activity, it must be respected, since he will discover his interests little by little.
Extracurricular activities.
Besides looking for children to have fun, extracurricular activities allow children to develop other senses and attitudes, it is an opportunity to expand and reinforce their knowledge. The important thing is that the child carries out the motivated activities, that he wants to attend on his own and happy, not by obligation. You yourself as parents can notice the tastes of your child.
There are more extracurricular activities. In sports you can choose soccer, baseball, basketball, martial arts such as tai chi, or karate, tennis, swimming, chess, fencing, among many others, there are sports for all tastes, you should only find the one where the child find more motivated. There are also artistic activities such as music, where the child can sing, dance or learn to play different musical instruments. And the theater where he learns the corporal expression, to lose the fear and the shyness, besides working aspects of the personal development.
It is important that the child enters extracurricular activities in order to acquire new knowledge, in addition to knowing himself as a person. Each activity you do must be by your own motivation and not by obligation or desire of third parties. You should also look for a time for everything, since children should not feel tired because of excess activities. Everything in excess is negative.
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Extracurricular activities are very important for children as they help them in many aspects both personally and educationally, but you are absolutely right in telling us that we can not overload the little ones since we would not leave them time to share with their friends and family. , thanks for sharing information like this! Regards!
Y agrego más @gmaktub, con tu permiso. No sólo no debe sobrecargarse a los niños y niñas sino que, y es lo más difícil de entender, las mismas deben responder a los intereses de los mismos y no a las expectativas y necesidades de los padres. -Yo quiero que mi hija haga ballet, porque a mí nunca me dejaron hacerlo- Esto es un terrible error, porque además hacen a los niños responsables por el orgullo y felicidad de los padres. Otro error es utilizar estas actividades como guarderías, para los padres poder resolver otros asuntos; aunque no es menos cierto que el horario laboral es cada vez más demandante y no es igual -por razones obvias- al horario escolar, las actividades extras no son depósitos de niños, en donde los pueden dejar y no involucrarse con lo que desarrollan allí. Finalmente, desde mi opinión muy personal, el otro gran error son las "tareas dirigidas". El niño de por sí pasa entre 6 a 8 horas en la escuela, con la diversidad de actividades que ello contiene. LA ESCUELA DEBE SER EL LUGAR DONDE LAS NECESIDADES DE APRENDIZAJE SEAN ATENDIDAS. Imagina que luego de pasar 8 horas en tu trabajo, luego te vas a otro trabajo a cumplir otro jornal. Bueno, muchos tienen que hacerlo, porque son adultos y hay responsabilidades que cumplir, pero por doble jornada de escuela (escuela + tareas) el niño no va a aprender ni más, ni mejor. Al contrario, el aprendizaje termina convirtiéndose en un castigo.
Finalmente hay que ser pacientes. Es lógico que el niño se sienta atraído por algo y luego descubra que no le interesa tanto. Eso no significa fracasar (lo harás pensar que los cambios son un fracaso), en cambio invítalo a indagar, y si luego de un tiempo el niño manifiesta que no le gusta, apóyalo, dale libertad para expresar sus ideas, pero proponle también terminar el ciclo (por ejemplo, el nivel de estudio) y si luego de eso, insiste en cambiar. Esta bien... que se retire con la certeza de que no dejó el proceso a la mitad, y de que puede encontrar su talento en otro espacio.
Excelente post... como para seguir leyendo