It depends how you define success. Is success to you the acquisition of stuff or quality of life or life experiences. Perhaps all!
Getting a formal education - in this case - for discussion sake, university education in a desired or competitive field, may put you on a path of success that may be more straightforward.
If you don'r know what you want to do, then it is best to explore and not waste your time and money with formal education.
Based on your interest, it is a lot easier to get some online training - many times free - to test your interest and find suitable gig based work before you decide to commit to a career for some time.
Take learning to code. You can learn to code with high quality content from FreeCodeCamp. Their communities offer advice on how you can progress, how to prepare for interviews and land your first job.
Summary: Define what success is to you - write it down - this will change over time. If you are not sure what you want to do as a career, try things out to discover what interests you. Good luck!
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