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RE: My First Day In School

in #education7 years ago

here in USA its kind of the opposite and there are a LOT of crazy kids thgat do need some light canning not really for the pain but more for embarassmentr BUT only in private schols, government schools suck, al public sector is shit hah yeah maybe teachers beating students isnt such a goo didea, but yeah we should INSTEAD give kids bad haircuts! That is a tactis that works in inner city black america, they give chilkdren the "Old man" haircut like this kid who kept gettin in trouble so his dad took action, made him poise with a paper for social media that said something like "I didnt learn so now thisis my haircut" or something

I feel like this method is much better than physical beating. It still uses the embarsement, and its hard to abuse this. because the worst that can happen is that you didnt do anything wrong, and now you have a shaved head, well, u can always shave the rest of the hair yourself, its just hair lol but people pay attention to it,

I guess its like the 21st century version of the dunce cap lol


Lol. I think this is better. Bad haircut will work for some time