This is an academy in the center of Amsterdam. It is so tiny you won't probably notice it, but there is something magical happening inside.
You probably think that a stylist is somebody who dresses other people up? Then a photographer comes and gets photos taken - the job is done! Well, sometimes we(some) do dress other people up, but this is not that interesting as predicting the future.
How will the world look like if the economy will stop growing? What will we eat? Will we continue putting fancy clothes on? Can we grow the whole house for ourselves? Or will there be no clothes at all?
No ok, there must be clothes in future. What if you can print it for yourself every morning? Recycle it once you get back home and create something completely new next day? How would it look like?
And sometimes we just create a packaging for butter. It must look pretty too, you know, even the butter.
Styling is pretty much about having a good intuition. It is about combining your research skills together with feelings and taste. No matter what you style - a package, a campaign, stickers for bananas, a workspace or the Future.
(all photos are taken by me, please do not reproduce without my permission)
Love what you are doing. Not always I can see what kind of beautiful things you guys are creating. I know you will be a great @steemit member!