About 5 years ago, I had a very similar argument with a past high school classmate who also attended Barnard (Columbia's "sister" school). While many universities these days appear to breed entire generations of indoctrinated mindless "tolerant" groupthinkers, Barnard/Columbia seems to inspire a unique level of nutty all it's own.
I was shocked and revolted that she was arguing for and defending cultures that believed in sexually mutilating women, if it was deemed in the "best interest" of society and for the "greater good" of the whole (to hell with individual rights). So much so that if she were part of that culture, she would have no problem partaking in the "ritual" herself. I suppose that being willing to give up all possibility of future sexual pleasure is one way to "win" an argument.
However, I made a note to myself that day never again to waste precious time directly engaging in this type of irrational leftist lunacy they call "rational political discourse". Every now and then I lose my head and try again, only to duly regret it in short order. Whenever I now make that mistake, I will hit myself over the head (cuz I deserve it) and rewatch this video (or any number of similar videos that have cropped up lately).
Columbia University Students Support Female Genital Mutilation...
What is wrong with them? They have gone full retard!
What a bunch of idiots!
So this must be the "crimes against children" hillary clinton supposedly supported that was floating around the internet.