First! I can not get the profit in this article . If this site make the profit, I will give it to my local community . Not getting my profit. in other word,i will give it to public community. Because japanese teacher law can not be worked other job and get salary.
and I donot make a full of normal education.
they are students of Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School . And they do new education.
What do they teach? And how do they teach?
they teach us about" International cooperation and contribution to society”
for details, they study about japanese ODA and internationl NGO , inviting professional experts .
And they also study about three NPOs.
finally , they teach us which is the best NPO by themselves .
This education has two new things.
First, students teach ordinary people by themselves.
Usually,japanese teacher like lecture from teacher to lots of students like this photo.
So,they do new education.
Second,students give money to the best NPO which be selected by students . and this money is collected by crowdfunding .
Usually,japanese school dislike capitalism teaching. So japanese teacher donot teach capotalism teaching.
But they do. so this is second new thing.
I watched this students lecture, we were enjoying this lecture. the one student and teacher say " this education is more than normal education"
I am sorry. I can not hide 3 woman face ,because" 2 girls is very cute and beautiful "and "one madam is dignified and also beautiful. So please do not sue me!🙈