Computer and children: profit or harm?

in #education8 years ago

Computer and children: profit or harm?
The main function of computer is education. One more positive moment related to the usage of computer in education is the change of attitude to your mistakes.
This topic has always been urgent. Every day we face it everywhere in the internet, news, in conversations with our family at home. Since technologies are developing and become more accessible modern children become more intelligent and it is easier for them to learn those technologies.
A child and computer is a mixture which cannot be avoided nowadays.
Our children are born and grown up in times where computer in the house is the same normal thing as an oven. From one side, we wonder how the child who cannot even read easily understands children games, how fast he/she knows what’s what, how well he/she use the mouse. From the other side, how to make the child stop using computer after 30-40 minutes of time allowed?
This is the real problem.
Pressure on the eyes is the first and the most important cause. Continuing work at computer causes to the seeing exhaustion and this in its turn causes problems with seeing. Children of preschool age can use computer no more than 15-20 minutes. After that a pause and eyes exercises are needed.
Other problems of using computer are compressed position and psychological pressure.
There is no harm that we have electronic means of information and communication. There is another problem. Parents feel it easier to substitute communication with a child by computers.
There will be no harm for a child who uses computer when there is sensible approach of controlling it.