pretty simple marketing, create a market, create funding for a market and imply that the demand is greater than the supply and viola you have a bunch of parents and students runnning the debt wheel until the day they die and they are distracted from everything that really matters. most college grads these days end up making around 20k a year working at a restaurant , but if the power,plumbing or equiptment goes down everybody has to wait for a month for an electircian(60) an hour or a plumber (75) on hour or a service person (45) an hour, and these genius college educated people cant seem to make the connection. by the way most plumbers and electircians spend years as a journeyman(well paid assistant) before they can work on their own so as they are earning 50k a year to get to the point they can make 100k a year all of these college student are doing the exact opposite, how much sense does that make.
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