Ok, one more time:
My Sister! Hi 5! :)))
No, not shocking at all... the dark light is the female like the yin of yin&yang.
Black is the basic female color & white is male,active, outgoing...like the white
yang fish ;)
Yall Sisters got the sweet yin, and i make u happy with my yang :)))
But you said "Light Warrior" not "Warriett" ;)
My brother! Hi 5!
But would your name not be "Black light" , blacklux ;) ?
Well first... i'm a woman... shocking right! Haaa
I chose blacklux as a nickname because theres dark inside the light too
Ok, one more time:
My Sister! Hi 5! :)))
No, not shocking at all... the dark light is the female like the yin of yin&yang.
Black is the basic female color & white is male,active, outgoing...like the white
yang fish ;)
Yall Sisters got the sweet yin, and i make u happy with my yang :)))
But you said "Light Warrior" not "Warriett" ;)