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RE: On the Education System

in #education8 years ago

The school system is not really teaching them to read anymore. Some schools have eliminated Cursive. Go check out the new "Common Core" standards they have- take a look at how they teach math. - 2+2 = 4. No not any more under Common Core.

Anyway- I had a Private Grade A School Education and went to some of the Richest Highschools (4 different Rich Highschools) in the Nation- And I've just spent the past few years trying to "UNLEARN" all the Bullshit & Lies .

No it does not take 12 years to teach a kid to - read, write, do math & basic science & biology. Introduction to the arts, philosophy, literature, languages- it could all be done in a lot less time. The real purpose is break us down. Think about it- were most people you know more - individual, free, fun going, Bad ass & courageous - as teens?


I'm from Europe, it's probably still like this in Europe, I have friends who have kids, they tell me many stories.

But I agree it is exactly to break the individual and make them into collectivist zombies.

I want just to inform you, I will copy few sentences from you and put them on my "wall", because I think it's something to think about.....