Educational reform from leftist thought

in #education5 years ago

I am calling for educational reform.

The schools in the United States used to begin with prayer and a copy of the 10 commandments on the wall, then they removed prayer and the 10 commandments and people started killing each other. Since that time 'progress' has been made and society has become more sensitive to other peoples feelings. As a result we still have people killing each other but now the children don't know which bathroom to go into.

Like many I have received a public school education, but my education did not stop at high school. I have knowledge of a few of my former classmates and I am able to see that while in high school my classmates and myself were reasonable similar. After high school, some of them went to a public four year university while I went to a Christian based private college...and I will clearly say that in my opinion the students that received there education almost entirely from public education (and little to know christian based education) are pretty liberal (left wing in there politics)

Perhaps some people would end the study right there, but I want to extend the study a bit. I am going to say something that will make some people uncomfortable. There appears to be a direct correlational between how 'liberal leaning' a person is and the level of that persons arrogance. I did not say that all liberals are un-inteligent, what I said was that there appears to be some a disconnect between the knowledge that liberals have and practical application. Its almost like liberalism is a cult. Far left individuals will protect the most absurd comments that other liberals make (that is cultist behavior) Liberals also seem to be skilled at repeating a line and (I guess in there minds) they consider that education.

The connection between liberals and cultist behavior might appear harsh by some, but lets look at some facts. Research has shown that there might be a connection between people that consider themselves transgender and mental illness.

(I am not trying to poke fun at people that have a mental illness) But what I am going to say, needs to be said. A man that is having a psychological problem and thinks that he belongs in the womens bathroom, that man needs to be taught the problem in his thinking, but what has happened is the A.C.L.U. starts a campaign to help the man become further confused.

I wrote the above statement so that people can see that 'insane liberalism' (I am not talking about the rational minded democrat) has not only taking control of the democratic party, but the radicals have also hijacked public education.

It was Adolph Hitler that said 'He alone, who owns the youth gains the future.' I can not say that Hitler was an unintelligent individual, in fact the man was a brilliant con-artist (but that is a dangerous combination).

In my mind the conversation that we are having can be paired up with why some of the United States founding fathers did not think that everyone should vote.



The point is that certain ideas are popular with members of society that have nothing to loose. Seemingly 'informed' individuals will not see the flaws in an idea unless they have 'some skin' in the game
