Truth Is Absolute, Not So Much Relative

in #education7 years ago (edited)

Having not written an original work for a while, rather having been off the tracks due to Summer, it feels good to pursue morning writing again. Ten minutes a day. That’s how you establish good practice and for me, how I get out the clutter before a busy new day gets in full swing.

And I am elated to have this as an ongoing service and social outlet. It is the most American alternative to co-ed Scouting which seems to be quite pithy any more. That, and the girls are not old enough to fully join 4H.We started homeschool last week. I am using the Ron Paul Curriculum this year ( for my first grader. She can read and write well already, but this is a logical start for us. We have also gotten involved with American Heritage Girls (

I’d like to raise exceptional Americans. Women who understand and take pride in their gender, intellect, ingenuity and skills. Women who want to contribute to the world and raise more exceptional Americans. I have high hopes and big dreams for them.

But herein lies a stunning revelation. I am totally powerless and incapable of doing this solo. I am in total need of my husband, his 180 degree different style, his knowledge. His authority. I am supposed to be the nurturing one. And try as I may, that needs a continual stream of grace and forgiveness and second chances. I am unable to stand without the power of God. Without Christ in me.

But if I spend every morning devoted to knowing God and seeking his moral compass and internal guidance, it can be done! 💪. God began a really good work and we have chased after the ability to do what we are doing for so long, I know it is divine.

Just as it was divine for Squanto to have met the Englishmen, then to be held captive by them and your Europe and then to help the Pilgrims establish their new life in a FREE land, divine that it was he instead of Massasoit (?). Divine. Inspired. So is our journey. So although this is a quick and momentary thought, I will leave you with a couple images of scribbled sermon notes yesterday with kudos to our minister for conveying adequately and eloquently a very IMPORTANT message. Stop listening to the world and start listening to the heart beating in Eternity!



Thank you for sharing. We live in very interesting times in many ways. God Bless You.

Oh boy, do we! Hats off. Have a blessed day!

cute kids

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Many thanks. They are with me 24/7/365. I cannot see letting them ever go ❤️