Are You Failing on Steemit & Online? Here are Top Rules To Steemit Success

in #education7 years ago (edited)

With some exceptions, many people are hardly making it on steemit and online because they are not playing it smart. Moreover, most people come here on steemit after being told by friends or family members that they will make hundreds of SBD daily and or after seeing huge financial success on trending and hot pages. The reality, however, is that life is not all that rosy rather to succeed, one has to work or blog smart , invest time, remove greed, invest money in steem power and be patience.
I hereby present you with some hidden rules to making it on steemit-which are basic steps after which you should tailor your posts to your own brand:

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Steem Power: Steem power is the crème de la crème of succeeding on steemit (see my older posts for detailed reasons) because the more steem power you have, the more you earn in author rewards (your posts) curation rewards (voting on other people posts) interest payments and delegation of steem power (earn daily steem or steem dollars). Moreover, as steem is currently undervalued (note that SMT and Hardfork 20 are coming –see my older posts for details) steem power will guarantee you a good return on investment in the future –so buy steem and power up (you can always power some down when you need money).

Expectation: I came for the money and stayed for the community, great innovative people and educational/learning experience this great platform provides. So remove financial gain in your mind, stop focusing on trending and hot page , blog and make friends -and money will come.

Quality Posts ,be respectful and Engagement: Do you know of the 3C´s? : Content, Curation and Comments. These are 3 top ingredient’s to succeeding on steemit . Therefore new people should 1st comment on top posts for some time in order to gain followers and get noticed by older members. Be respectful on your comments because older members know when someone comment just to get upvotes (copy and paste comments, follow for follow, upvote for upvote, good post spams etc) which in return lead to flagging. Therefore grow your followers through smart commenting (some new people make more money commenting than posting ie the 1st few weeks) , upvote the post to join in curation reward and after a while you start posting your own posts- especially after learning from established writers.
Furthermore, engagement is key to success here: do not post too many daily posts in order to have time to engage with your followers through replying to their comments and up voting great comments (and sometimes visit their posts and upvote good contents too) in order to motivate your followers to continue engaging in your posts-thus building a good relationship. This is a win win all.

Patience: Patience is a good one because no one can make it the 1st or 2nd month on steemint unless you are already a celebrity on Youtube, or any other social media with millions of dedicated followers -including having a huge amount of steem power. Most members that want it very fast get disappointed in few weeks and leave the platform while others that have patience will start by building relationships and thus start seeing success after some few months of learining the way things are done here.
I wish you all success and a blessed weekend. Upvote and Resteem if you agree. Do not forget to send in your suggestions and or comments

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I think patience is the key. If you are doing good and lack patience, you will get tired and leave just before success knocks your door.

Very good point...I agree. However add SP too. I wish you more success and thanks for your comment

I agree

One thing that every newbie steemians must NOT do - Dont BEG for upvote and followers.

Just make ur article worth reading and rich of information. Be patience andkeep on steeming 😊

Very good point, I agree. Keep steeming to more success.

Yes, we should all be asking for good meme's instead :D though on a serious note being new to steemit I can understand how this can get under a few people's skins. upvote for upvote is not what steemit community is here for or wants to read. If people realised they should save upvotes for good content and realise that they will get better outcomes when you post up some great work then you wouldn't need to ask for upvotes.

The 3 C’s are a good way to put it. I’ve been focusing on commenting the most as a newer user. I’ve also been investing in Steem Power along the way. My account is looking rather scary at this point but I’m committed to seeing it through. I will continue to engage and invest for the remainder of the year. Excited to see what happens in the second half of 2018. Thanks for the post!

Welcome , you are doing well just continue steeming ...I wish you success

These tips are exactly what new and some old members need to succeed here ...I do read your posts and follow the tips especially patience and smart commenting, including SP, good quality posts, respect and engagement...thanks a lot for this..upped.

Based on my experience, not everything is working, which is mentioned in the original blog post above.
For example Patience.
This tips are sounds good, but I am on Steemit since 2017 May 17 (304 days), I upvote and resteem the posts of the community on a daily basis and almost no one cares about my posts.
No matter what I post or what I am writing about, almost no one cares.
People are rarely commenting under my posts and even they do, it's often spam or spam-like comment, like "nice post" and similar comments.
The writers of these comments are often upvoting their own comments with like $1, while my post have $0.03 or less pending payout. This is ridiculous!
Remember, I am on Steemit for almost 1 year now and I couldn't even earn 300 Steem Power.
Can someone write ANY kind of tip on what to do?
Except leaving Steemit.
To be honest, I am VERY close to leave Steemit and I already started Powering Down many weeks ago.

I have just had a quick look at your profile.........

From my initial reaction (I'm not saying I'm correct, just giving you my opinion)

You are doing nothing but resteems - this doesn't make for good followers - they want to read what you have to say, not what other are saying...

(I have resteemed maybe 6 posts in 3 months)

The posts you are making are dry reporting on crypto's.

From what I see- the people who are writing about their own perspectives on life, current affairs, and issues personal to themselves.

Give something of yourself into your posts

(seem to get a more loyal following, and better up votes in the long run..)

Just my input. I hope it helps you in some way!

.... this was very quick look at your profile, btw.

(is English your first language, btw?)

Thank you for taking the time to take a quick look at my profile and giving these suggestions. I really appreciate it.
You are right in one thing. Or almost. I indeed resteemed a lot of posts.
But I am not doing only that. I also write posts with various topics.
I have tried to wrote about amateur radio few times. The first post about it was successful, but the others/rest are not. So I stopped doing that.
My first language is Hungarian.
Communicating can be a very complicated for me (especially personally) (I rarely talk to/with people in person), because I live with autism spectrum disorder, dyscalculia and other disabilities. I rarely go outside of my house/garden. I am also visually impaired, so using the computer every day is not doing good for me, because I look at the monitor very closely, because I can't read it from longer distance.
But I have a plan, which can partially help these things.
A portable transceiver (Elecraft KX2).
If I could buy that radio, I would happily go outside. For example to lakes, forests and some other places and I would talk (make contacts) with the whole planet on the amateur radio.
I could reduce the computer usage as well. This radio could help me on so many levels.
This radio currently costs $1130.65 USD with the necessary accessories, like Internal, Wide-Range 20-W ATU (automatic antenna tuner), Lithium-ion Battery Pack (11V, 2.6Ah), External Lithium-ion Fast Charger, EU Power Cord, Real-Time Clock + General-Purpose Outputs and a Compact Padded Carrying Case.

This is my goal with Steemit. To earn enough money for the above mentioned radio and it's necessary accessories.
I am usually giving reports about my goal in my Hungarian posts.

Your English is good! (You write better than me and I'm english! lol)

Communicating can be a very complicated for me (especially personally) (I rarely talk to/with people in person), because I live with autism spectrum disorder, dyscalculia and other disabilities. I rarely go outside of my house/garden. I am also visually impaired, so using the computer every day is not doing good for me, because I look at the monitor very closely, because I can't read it from longer distance.

I know nothing of your issues - but it seems to me you have whole list of things you can talk about from a personal perspective...

Is is possible to write everything down manually, and have someone else type them? - you could post more that way without extra screen time?

(...just a suggestion. Good luck mate. )

When steem price doubles, you will have enough for your radio anyway - So won't be too long hopefully!


If I get too many resteems of content I'm not interested in I stop following the resteemer. I just don't want a cluttered feed.

Good point, same here

...I'm on a mission to help out @xplosive!

....this is the kind of help /mentoring / support that we need on steemit.

(I'll try to help anyone that I think is genuine, unless they show me different)

...with a little bit of confidence building , it can make a real difference..

yup, exactly.

I am new here however thing that you are missing something. The tips in this post is quite helpful however you have to build you own brand and followers ie real not follow for follow gangs and most importantly blog smart

welcome and thanks for your comment ...good point indeed

Completely agree. I don't post yet but I read and read. There is so very much to learn. I just found this blog so I am going backward to see what I missed. I am finding there are a few writers who give insight with every post. That in the long run pay prove more valuable than Steem.

Good point, that is my strategy...keep learning especially from this top writer before I start posting..Patience is the key

You are right. I am a newbie and I am still learning. This post is really helpful.

You are correct! I wish I'd read this post like this back when I was at a reputation of 25. I would have a lot more steem power.

Welcome, feel free to see my older posts for more tips...I wish you success

Great article and completely agree!

Steem Power is vital to anyone who succeeds on Steemit. We are all going to be rich in 2020, let’s continue to create great content!

You got a 16.51% upvote from @mitsuko courtesy of @jmehta! .

Join our team and delegate your SP to earn passive income.
Get part of 80% @mitsuko profit based on your delegated SP
Delegate 10 SP
Delegate 100 SP
Delegate 200 SP
Delegate 300 SP
Delegate 500 SP
Delegate 1000 SP

or custom delegation SP

People need to make posts that actually add value to other people's lives. People will not spend time on steemit unless there is quality content.
Do random pictures of cats and food really add anything to anyone's life?? No. Are you trying to make money by copying hot and trendy ideas?? That's lame, stop it.
If you put more thought and effort into your own ideas, you might come up with something that's actually creative and entertaining.
For example, my friend @jaybird hosts a sandwich contest. Everyday pictures of food are super lame, but this is a fun and creative way to interact with others and share pictures of outrageous sandwiches, plus there are rewards.
Be creative! Be entertaining! Be part of a community. Become an expert and share your knowledge and skills with the world. If you don't have an area of expertise, start studying!
I've spent well over 10,000 hours studying and practicing music (I think 24 years now) and currently earn my living as a full-time professional musician/teacher/producer. I can say with certainty that I offer top notch musicianship and tutelage. If you are interested in guitar lessons, check out my blog @topfox. I make videos to help people play guitar. These videos are for you guys. I already know how to play guitar :)

I wish that I could resteem this comment of yours.

Wow what a great comment...I agree..upped and following you in order to stay in touch. I wish you more success.


So much value distilled into this comment.
You ought to write a post centered around the points you made in this comment. Good one 😎👍

Thanks, I think I will!

First comment on Steem. I like your attitude.

I think this advice isn't bad. But I also think it could be expanded upon in places.

For example, new users need to understand that much of what is on the trending page is only there because the authors can afford to drop the equivalent of a of week's US minimum wage on upvoting services for their post.

This brings me to your point about patience. This is correct, but in as well as being famous already etc. people can make it on to the trending page by buying their way there. Of course, most bidbots are no longer very profitable, and if they bought a heap of SBD or STEEM recently, they might be feeling a bit down due to the falling prices, so I guess we shouldn't be too hard on them.

People also need to understand that no amount of patience, skill or respect are a 100% guarantee that their posts will ever be rewarded with any massive payout. Even for experienced users, the mean payout per post is not huge. For more details on reward distributions, that might help people have realistic expectations, see @bitgeek's excellent payout stat reports, as well as @penguinpablo's steem stats reports.

Your points are absolutely correct and I do check the stats. I left out bots because I do understand the huge negetive ROI and thus new members have to follow basic rules 1st before diving into bots (on their own risk). When I started here, whales do upvotes posts however almost all have delegated their SP to bots for profits hence the need for minnows to get their own SP or work hard towards it. In such platform, the simple truth is that there will be winners and losers , that is our world.

Thank you for the "reality check".

To me @steemit is not a place to find wealth but a place to express myself / work freely about what happened yesterday, today tomorrow and so on which I pour into the post when I have time to relax. @stemiit for me is a secondary requirement and I have to keep working in the real world for my Primary needs. when night comes, This is my best relaxing time so I can read your post which is very useful for me and all. It turns out to succeed in @steemit there are hidden rules to make it in steemit. I have to work or blog smart, invest time, remove greed, invest money in the power of steam and patience. It's an interesting post and makes me want to always read it over and over. Thank you Mr @charles1 for this useful post.

I agree, this is a place to leave your expressions and progress in life and years later explore them :)

Nice to get a very honest comment from you miss @limnade. We as users @steemit must know the basic purpose we use it. Do not be affected by SBD wages it is just a bonus for our business that makes the post as good as possible. We are here just as plankton trying to lure whales. Keep working, and be smart together at @steemit.

The best way not to be disappointed. In fact, I think that this article though motivative as it should be is quite valuable with number one advise (get steem power first).

Period of first capital accumulation here is over, and right now it works in different way. As in life - interest for capital you have in banks, as in life - you can make the others listen to you and discuss your post (by upvoting comments you agree with), as in life - you can make people engaged in activities you like (by granting upvotes or making contests in a special sphere).

thank you very much for the very useful notice for me miss @limnade, I am happy to comment here with you and I will make the new science of unification to continue to grow here. Introduce, I'm @junsusukhairi from Indonesia who just joined in @steemit 2 months ago. Nice to share in consultation with you.

You are correct and am sure that you will be a big success here. Keep steeming to more success.

We usually come to this platform looking for income, today steemit has become my day to day, I've become a reader of at least 40 daily posts, commenting on my point of view or at least expressing what I felt, No one taught me that relationships are paramount, my publications don't have the success I expected but I believe that little by little I will grow, I praise people like you who take some of their time and guide us on our way, I will be attentive to read a little more about you. Thank you

I don't speak English. I use the translator. Translated with

A very good comment, feel free to see my older posts for more tips. I wish you success

Good advice @charles1, as ever your keeping me motivated and I'm seeing things happen ever so slowly.

Amen to that, I wish you more success

One point is true... When I do take the time to make a comment and it gets upvoted, I typically make more money there, than anywhere else. I think in the beginning, it was probably easy to get rich... but near impossible on here now.

Good point, I is due to whales delegating their SP or selling their why I indicated that SP is the main key to success here.

Interesting. So whales influence and control the SP distribution?

Steemit is a platform where one can earn through posting, commenting and upvoting others. Hence, good post, nice and balanced comment and upvoting worthy content is crucial in order to be noticed and admired by the community. Earning must be the second thought as earning is the result of posting, commenting and upvoting. We all need to make this platform a hub of learning, knowledge, education, entertainment and everything else available on other social media platforms. Thanks for your valuable suggestion to make this platform the most successful platform and the way to achieve this goal.

Good point indeed.Thanks for your comment

Welcome sir!

Thanks for the information.

Hey @charles1
Your advice for new comers to the platform is of extreme value.
If I may digress a little with an anecdote?
My @mrbloom (which was my main account) was unfortunately hacked and robbed last Saturday. they lunged my rep down from a respectable 56 to -1 in less than 24 hours by spamming comments with phishing links everywhere. Fortunately my #helpie family helped me out as well as other community members, and created this @darrenclaxton account for me last Saturday evening.
Just 1 week on starting from scratch again, and I've climbed from 25 to 53 rep by being supported by the the users that had followed my old account. I just echo what you are saying here! That, by using your time intelligently and skillfully,will no doubt make your time here on Steemit all that much less frustrating and more of an enjoyable rewarding experience.

Just to add -

  1. Comment often as you can with gusto and intelligent content.
  2. Take the time to actually read what the author has written and poured their precious time into.
  3. Create a good quality post when you're ready to do so - use appropriate #tags
  4. Quality far outweighs quantity - In my opinion - so plan your blog post.
  5. Sign up to Discord and join some servers, share your post in the various sections.
    And most importantly - Be polite, Be friendly and engage with the community, as there are so many amazingly talented people here on Steemit that will want to follow your journey.
    PS. please also only use your private posting key to login rather than your master key! I've learnt this the hard way!

Thanks for letting me crash the party @charles1
Top post my friend!

Good point indee..glad that you are doing well here after all the issues. I wish you more success

It was good to read through your post and also the comments over here. You know, I am one of those people that have fun watching nice / funny videos and even more fun reading the comments under them.. lol.

Now, I do see quite a few people who feel like how I had felt sometime when I look into my steem account. I have posted a handful of blogs and none of them see any upvotes at all. Though I didn't join Steemit to make my fortune in life, I felt, getting appreciated for some content which is trending and maybe a bit helpful, would be nice.

Anyways, I am going to try as much as possible to contribute & take things the way they come !!


Welcome and feel free to read my older posts for more tips. I wish you success.

Thanks a lot for this useful post. It is quite helpful. I am not in a hurry to post as i am taking my time to learn the rules from successful steemians. i have come to discover that patience is very key to succeed in steemit.

Welcome and see my older posts for more tips...I wish you success

Thanks, @charles1 for this insightful and informative post. As a new steemian, I've been trying to apply some of these tips... but I must say this line really hit me well:

...engagement is key to success here: do not post too many daily posts in order to have time to engage with your followers through replying to their comments and upvoting great comments (and sometimes visit their posts and upvote good contents too).

Honestly, I've resolved to give these tips you carefully explained in this post thorough attention more than I've been doing for the past few days (since I joined steemit).

Thanks for sharing.

Welcome and I wish you more success...keep steeming.

Thanks for your encouraging words.

This is hard work but it is fun work too. I really am making good headway building an audience and improving my writing skills. Patience is the key I know and also engaging with as many good people here as you can find. I think that in a year I will be one of the top bloggers on this site. So thanks for your insights and keep going great work and helping us who need it.

Good point..I am following you now and will be happy to see you succeed. Keep steeming to more success

Alright. You have made my day. I am ready to fly like the lady in the picture. Now where did I put my costume with the cape? Thanks and have a great day.

Welcome and keep steeming to more success

“continue engaging in your posts-thus building a good relationship. This is a win win all.”

Joining and building a community of friends with similar interests is definitely a great way to see improvements in rewards; both monetary and personal gratification.
I also believe in upvoting liberally all comments that show thought and are proper, even those that disagree.

Good point, welcome and thanks for your comment

I think this is exactly what I need right now, I just started my steemit journey and don't really know much about this platform except all I have learnt from my friend that introduced me to steemit.
I can say I have gained a lot from this post, therefore I'm very grateful @charles 1

I think patient is very important cause even me that I have just started want to get discouraged, like for instance :you make comments, you make post and you didn't get upvote. But I have learned a lot now and I'm happy to be one of your followers. Thanks

Welcome and feel free to read my older posts for more tips. I wish you success.

Amen,i can say I'm thrilled that you noticed my comment ,it gives me Courage. Thanks brother

You are welcome and keep steeming to more success

You really highlighted some great points and i really agree with your point, Content, Curation and Comments. We need patience to achieve anything because only few people got everything by less effort and remaining had faced an great fight and they fought it and then achieved great heights, so always be positive and keeping self belief is really important because it can possible that you will face days when you will get nothing but in my opinion the days will come when we will get great rewards towards our hard work. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

welcome and thanks for your comment..I wish you more success.

Welcome and thank you so much. 🙂

Thanks and more success to you...

Welcome. 🙂

I already have a week in steemit, and the truth is very difficult for me, because I do not have the support of anyone, I would like to support me or help me, I am going through a very difficult situation here in venezuela.

Learn how things work here...I wish you success


Congrats, You just make a brief of all that we have to do here. In plain words show us the path to follow. Really enjoy this post. "came for the money and stayed for the community", same here, I think it happens to most of us. Hope to read you again! have a nice day.

Welcomre and I wish you more success

That's my plan! ;) I really like it on this platform, I've only got 2 weeks in and have made more than facebook has ever paid me... which happens to be

Great, am happy for you my dear one and sure that you will be a success here if you blog smart. Feel free to see my older posts for more tips. I wish you success

That is great piece of advice. I didnt get a good mentor when i started blogging but after reading post and all that i realized the best way to succeed is to comment more in order to gain attention to your blog.

Welcome and more success to you

Learned that very well-----patience! It's a wonderful post about doing the steemit. I ahve been here for a couple of months and earned a little bit of money too. I am still learning and trying. Hopefully will become one of the best authors one day. :D

Yes you can!!! I wish you more success

Yeah! Thank You...

You are saying that buying steem and then powering up is the best way to go. Why not just buy steem power directly? Thanks for a great post!

It is the same if you can buy SP directly from Blocktrades . More success to you

Thanks! You too.

For me you are one of the best bloggers here.
And I am not saying this for a certain reason.

The way how you explain and illustrate things is awesome. You are a big help for so many people here. Continue this great work my friend :)

Thanks a lot bro....I appreciate your suppport here including your great contents....More success to you.

Steempower: the mother of all things. Good post, educational and eloquent. My congratulations. Greetings from Venezuela

welcome and thanks for your comment

Patience is the key to success on steemit and to our daily activities as well, with patience, impossible will be possible

Consistently getting visibility is one of the most important factors too, which leads to the era of bot's vote-selling now.

Good point

Nice read, i don't post regularly because i hardly have info worth posting but i do enjoy reading other peoples posts and making friends... The money can come later

As tempting as it gets to withdraw any little payout I get from my posts, I think its better to use it to buy upvotes to multiply my earnings and increase voting power. Slow process but it'll increase voting power in the long run. Or if you're lucky enough to have higher payout you can just buy steem to power up your account instead of withdrawing it...did i get it right? Im still around 2 months here so Im not sure if what Im doing is right. :) I believed with what Im doing, I am increasing my reputation which I can later use for earning on curation.

Good point, I wish you success

hi thank you for the advise. This is my fourth day on Steemit and I'm trying to learn things here. I enjoy posting some of my blogs and reading content from this community.

Welcome and see my older posts for more tips..I wish you success

You got really some nice realistic suggestions on how a newbie like me can get through on steemit. Would like to hear more from you soon.

Welcome and feel free to see my older posts for more tips. I wish you success

Thank you @charles1 for this.
I'm just beginning here and I found your post helpful in remembering that the nuts and bolts of making relationships and building community comes down to being present. In taking the time to write this my nervous system has clicked down a notch and I'm already feeling more relaxed.
Your words remind me of how simple and fulfilling it is to just be!
I suppose I'm a bit shy when it comes to commenting, so this helps.
It is affirming and encouraging!
Thanks again, looking forward to reading more from you.

Welcome and see my older posts for more useful tips..success to you

I believe what you say in your post are the first basic steps for success. From then on everyone should tailor it for themselves.

Good point, I agree.

Yes,patience is rewarding. My sister once told me participating in contests can also boost your SBD and help meet new people,also make you enjoy steemit the more.

Good point. I wish you success

Thanks for the advice, it is always good for the one who is starting to find information to clarify the doubts and I tell you that I have many because I have only a week, I hope to learn and improve little by little.I wish you all the success.

Welcome and feel free to see my older posts for more tips..success to you.

everything you said is true,but one should not spend too much time on steemit because it can effect your daily routine.For example, A student spends excessive time on steemit rather than focusing on his education so it can result in his failure in his educational performance.My advice is not to spend too much time on steemit more than required.But no one can deny the fact that it is a wonderful platform to surf on.

Point, I agree.

I am a beginner on steemit and these tips are very useful to me. I think what you wrote is true of the whole crypto world. At the end of last year, many people suddenly bought bitcoin for the hype, but were unaware of the basics. They did not know what backup or wallet security is, they believed all the cheating advertisements and became victims of scammers. Unfortunately they lost their funds.

Good point indeed, I agree.

excellent work as always dear friend @ charles1, I thank you to share your experience of success.
I wish you a beautiful weekend

Welcome and thanks for your comment...more success to you

some part of me came to steemit hoping to cash out in a week... But after reading this... It looks like I'm thinking straight Thanks for the information 😁😁

Welcome and feel free to see my older posts for more tips. I wish you success

Part of the issue is that it seems more complex than it should should be as easy as Facebook & twitter. Moreover, visually it is not exactly the most appealing social media platform. I do however appreciate your article - it is actually helpful! Perhaps a little more about Steem power...still trying to get my head around that. Ugh.

Welcome and feel free to see my older posts for more tips especially on steem power. I wish you success

I’ve been on steemit for sometime. This is important to know because as a newbie it gets frustrating. The best key I’ve gotten is writing quality comments. So that being said I really like how you broke it down especially with how important it is to save your steem power. Thank you for this.

Welcome and feel free to see my older posts for more tips. I wish you success

Thank you I’m following you I’ll definitely check your posts.

Hello thank you for your post with some greats tips for newbie like me. Im very new to steemit but im a bit scared that if my content doesnt fit the trendy topics and it really doesnt :D it wont work even if i interact with other steemians. I feel like it may be a great opportunity or a waste of time.I will see how it goes. I didnt know it is important to upvote comments im a bit lost because i though we shouldn't upvote more than 10times a day so i try to upvote more on post i really like.

You should not upvote comment except if you like it and to show appreciation on those good members commenting on your posts...see my older osts for more tips

Ok thank you for that i will have a look at your others posts:)

Welcome and more success

Alot of people come to Steemit thinking its a 'get rich quick' shceme, and then after a few weeks realise its hard work and give up. I have found it takes time but it is also very rewarding and fun. There are a lot of friendly people on here that I have met, and some really fun communities to become involved in!

People also forget that it is 'social media' so you need to be social and make friends by engaging in their content and showing interest and generating conversations!

Thanks for the tips

Good point, I agree. Thanks for your comment

This is nothing but the truth that what I told one of my colleagues to gain more on steemit you have to boost your steem power, your steem power is just like your fixed deposit in bank that work for you, thank you for this articles it worth resteem and upvote.

welcome and thanks for your comment. Sp is the main key...more success to you.

When I see those with 0 account here, I think "oh, dear, you want others to make you rich". And that's why it doesn't work. Maybe with the exception of really exclusive and useful content, when you cannot but upvote them to reward the work.

But usually it means that the work is worth much more than just a reward on steemit :)

Good point....

These are simple truths but most people astonishingly can't seem to understand then. The success will only come through the long game. Excellent post.

welcome and thanks for your comment

By the way I noticed that there is a lot of pessimism here, largely due to the whale downvoting war that's going on in the trending page.

The KR community (where majority of the korean users spend their time), however, is a very tightly knit community where the big users spend a lot of time helping the newer members. It's not perfect, but i believe we have a good ecosystem.

It's probably a bit difficult for you to navigate due to the language barrier, but i encourage u to venture out there sometime with Google Translate.

Good point , I posted about the issues with regard to whale wars in my older posts. KR is a good oneand google translation is not good enough to reach them..turns your Korean bad and you might be downvoted

That's a valid point. A lot of us are actually very well versed in English so you might be pleasantly surprised. I'll introduce some good pieces of writing outside of the community once in a while. Have a great weekend.

Welcome , happy weekend to you too and more success

Relationship is most important aspect when you are keen on establishing yourself in any community.
Thanks for sharing @charles1 👍

Good point, it really helps...more success to you.

Thank you and more success to you too!

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